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SetPassword Invalid DN Syntax Code 80072032

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Aug 16, 2004
Good evening all.

I hate to bother everyone but I'm running into some problems with a VB script I've created to add a user to AD. I'm fairly new to VBScripting and am open to criticism, constructive of otherwise.

Higher up in the script, strLName, strFName, strLoginID, strEndDate & strPasswd are defined based on user input or generated & stored in a variable.

Dim objRootD, strContainer, objOU, oUser
Set objRootD = GetObject("LDAP://bleh.blah.net/OU=Whatever,OU=This Goes On,DC=domain,DC=tld")
Set oUser = objRootD.Create("User", "CN=" & strLName & "\, " & strFName) ' Escape the comma
	oUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strLoginID
	[!]oUser.SetPassword strPasswd[/!] ' <---First Error Here: Invalid DN syntax Code 80072032
	' Tried SetPassword(strPasswd), SetPassword = strPasswd; I even typed in a known/good password, one that would be accepted with no luck
	' Regardless of whether or not double quotes are present it still fails.
	' I hit up this site of course, [url=http://tinyurl.com/q62zc4][URL unfurl="true"]http://tinyurl.com/q62zc4[/URL][/url], and found lots of info
	' However, I couldn't find anything that helped me figure out where I went wrong
	' Moving on; I comment out the above line since it doesn't seem to work and I get my... 
	[!]oUser.SetInfo[/!] ' <--- Second Error Here: General Access Denied Error.
	' Adding a user manually via AD Users & Computers works fine so its not an account limitation.
	' So this suggest I'm going to need the password line above to work before I can commit my changes.
	oUser.Put "givenName", strFName
	oUser.Put "AccountExpirationDate", strEndDate ' I assume format is MM/DD/YYYY
	oUser.Put "objectClass","top; person; organizationalPerson; user;"
	oUser.Put "sn", strLName
	oUser.Put "distinguishedName", "CN=" & strLName & "\, " & strFName & ",OU=Whatever,OU=This Goes On,DC=domain,DC=tld"
	oUser.Put "displayName", strLName & ", " & strFName
	oUser.Put "name", strLName & ", " & strFName 
	oUser.Put "primaryGroupID", "999"
	oUser.Put "sAMAccountType", "805306368"
	oUser.Put "userPrincipalName", strLoginID & "@domain.tld"
	oUser.Put "objectCategory", "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=tld"

Any assistance is greatly apprecaited. Links on what I need to doublecheck are more than welcome as I'm not looking to be spoonfed.
Commit the creation of an user account before setting password---that's how it works with active directory.
oUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strLoginID
[red]'[/red]oUser.SetPassword strPasswd
[blue]oUser.SetPassword strPasswd[/blue]
Hi tsuji - I've read a few of the responses you've provided in several other posts; Thank you for taking the time to review our questions & sharing your knowledge (or just being that extra pair of eyes we need!).

I've committed the changes but receive the "General access denied Error Code: 80070005" on line 86, which is now oUser.SetInfo.

Again, I'm running the script as myself & when I launch AD Users & Computers I can create accounts in the specified OU.
There isn't any doubt of the correct order be the setInfo must be made before any attempt to setPassword. I would get that part behind: if you are not convinced, I can't do anything else. Then, if only setting samaccountname and get error, you must verify that the samaccountname be _unique_ across the forest.
Tsuji is 100% correct. Try binding to the user object first before creating it.

Dim objRootD, strContainer, objOU, oUser
Set objRootD = GetObject("LDAP://bleh.blah.net/OU=Whatever,OU=This Goes On,DC=domain,DC=tld")

'Check if user already exists
On Error Resume Next
oUser = GetObject("CN=" & strLName & "\, " & strFName & "OU=Whatever,OU=This Goes On,DC=domain,DC=tld")
If Err.Number = 0 Then
	'User already exists
	WScript.Echo "Username already in use"
	Set oUser = objRootD.Create("User", "CN=" & strLName & "\, " & strFName) ' Escape the comma
    oUser.Put "sAMAccountName", strLoginID
    oUser.SetPassword strPasswd 
End If
On Error GoTo 0

I hope you find this post helpful.



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Tsuji: Thanks again for replying. I wasn't trying to be argumentative or combative in my previous post. If it came off that way, I apologize.
Markdmac: Thank you taking the time to respond. PS - I've seen your site in my many Googling 'VBS' Adventures; Thanks for sharing the wealth.

I'm pretty green when it comes to VBScript/WMI/WSH/ADSI so I welcome and appreciate all comments. Who am I to question when I myself am having trouble!

The accounts I'm trying to create are unique as I'm using names like LeBron James & Kobe Bryant :). Also it helps that this domain has very few users to begin with.

As previously mentioned, I took your suggestions to bind the user object first before creating it, but it still doesn't seem to take. I'm checking with a few others on the team who have some VB experience, but so far they've not been able to identify the problem. Odd. And this is being done using a domain admin account on the DC itself.

I'm sure its some mundane detail I missed in the syntax so I'll keep plugging away. If there's anything else I can provide that may prove to be helpful, let me know.

Thanks again!
Phylum, you don't have to worry about how the feeling comes out. I know well how talking straight can make the recipient feels, guilty as charged. I am just concerned that the point does not get passed and get talked away. If there are m critical spots to error and each has n possibilities to error, there are effective n^m cases to debug. If m is reduced by 1, the cases is reduced to n^(m-1) which can make a huge difference with n^m. I just worry people don't understand that and talk the critical correction as if just another net-wide valueless idle talk and show-off, even though that does not resolve the whole problem. In any case, you should then work closely with your colleauges to get more pertinent interactive and good luck. (Try do a create user with simple plain non-common a-z names, avoid fancy "&" "," space etc at the start.)
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