Could you please take a look at and (following) and see if you can tell me how to get it running again? Thank you very much!
#Seti Stat Grabber (JavaScript Output Version) V1.3 Copyright (c) 2002, James Battersby
# You must change YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS to be the Email address of the account registered
# with Seti@Home
#NOTE: All software is supplied "as is", with no guarantee offered or
#implied. While every effort has been made to ensure the correct operation of
#the software, no responsibility is accepted for any loss, damage or charges incurred
#which may arise from the use of this software. A virus scan has not been performed on
#the download files, you are advised to do this before running any of the software.
#Re-distribution of the software is permitted providing that
# I) no charge is made for it,
# II) it is distributed in exactly the same form as found on # III) you do not take any credit for it's production.
# V1.3 Changes - 13 July 2002
# Updated to cope with Seti URL change. Added URI include.
# V1.2 Changes
# Changed regular expression for total CPU time to work correctly with times less than
# and more than 1 year
# V1.1 Changes
# Changed to produce JavaScript output
# V1.0
# Initial URL grabber
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::URL;
$hdrs = new HTTP::Headers(Accept=>'text/plain',User-Agent=>'SetiStatGrabber/1.3');
$url = new URI::URL('$req = new HTTP::Request(GET, $url, $hdrs);
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$resp = $ua->request($req);
print "Content-type: application/x-javascript\n\n";
$totalusers = "0";
$unitsreturned = "0";
$cputime = "0";
$averagecputime = "0";
$lastreturned = "0";
$usersatrank = "0";
$beaten = "0";
$rank = "0";
if ($resp->is_success)
$test = $resp->content;
#Get the total number of users
$test =~ m/of <b>([0-9]+)<\/b>/;
$totalusers = $1;
#Get the number of units returned
$test =~ m/<td align=right>([0-9]+)<\/td>/;
$unitsreturned = $1;
#Get the total cpu time
$test =~ m/<td align=right>\s*(\d.+(years|min))<\/td>/;
$cputime = $1;
#Get the avarage cpu time
$test =~ m/<td align=right>(.+sec)<\/td>/;
$averagecputime = $1;
#Get the time the last unit was returned
$test =~ m/<td align=right>(... ... .+)<\/td>/;
$lastreturned = $1;
#Get the number of users at this rank
$test =~ m/rank: <b>(.+)<\/b>/;
$usersatrank = $1;
#Get the percentage of users beaten
$test =~ m/<b>(.+)%<\/b>/;
$beaten = $1;
#Get the current rank
$test =~ m/is: <b>(.+)<\/b>/;
$rank = $1;
print "totalusers = '",$totalusers,"'\n";
print "unitsreturned = '",$unitsreturned,"'\n";
print "cputime = '",$cputime,"'\n";
print "averagecputime = '",$averagecputime,"'\n";
print "lastreturned = '",$lastreturned,"'\n";
print "usersatrank = '",$usersatrank,"'\n";
print "beaten = '",$beaten,"'\n";
print "rank = '",$rank,"'\n";
#Seti Stat Grabber (JavaScript Output Version) V1.3 Copyright (c) 2002, James Battersby
# You must change YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS to be the Email address of the account registered
# with Seti@Home
#NOTE: All software is supplied "as is", with no guarantee offered or
#implied. While every effort has been made to ensure the correct operation of
#the software, no responsibility is accepted for any loss, damage or charges incurred
#which may arise from the use of this software. A virus scan has not been performed on
#the download files, you are advised to do this before running any of the software.
#Re-distribution of the software is permitted providing that
# I) no charge is made for it,
# II) it is distributed in exactly the same form as found on # III) you do not take any credit for it's production.
# V1.3 Changes - 13 July 2002
# Updated to cope with Seti URL change. Added URI include.
# V1.2 Changes
# Changed regular expression for total CPU time to work correctly with times less than
# and more than 1 year
# V1.1 Changes
# Changed to produce JavaScript output
# V1.0
# Initial URL grabber
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::URL;
$hdrs = new HTTP::Headers(Accept=>'text/plain',User-Agent=>'SetiStatGrabber/1.3');
$url = new URI::URL('$req = new HTTP::Request(GET, $url, $hdrs);
$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$resp = $ua->request($req);
print "Content-type: application/x-javascript\n\n";
$totalusers = "0";
$unitsreturned = "0";
$cputime = "0";
$averagecputime = "0";
$lastreturned = "0";
$usersatrank = "0";
$beaten = "0";
$rank = "0";
if ($resp->is_success)
$test = $resp->content;
#Get the total number of users
$test =~ m/of <b>([0-9]+)<\/b>/;
$totalusers = $1;
#Get the number of units returned
$test =~ m/<td align=right>([0-9]+)<\/td>/;
$unitsreturned = $1;
#Get the total cpu time
$test =~ m/<td align=right>\s*(\d.+(years|min))<\/td>/;
$cputime = $1;
#Get the avarage cpu time
$test =~ m/<td align=right>(.+sec)<\/td>/;
$averagecputime = $1;
#Get the time the last unit was returned
$test =~ m/<td align=right>(... ... .+)<\/td>/;
$lastreturned = $1;
#Get the number of users at this rank
$test =~ m/rank: <b>(.+)<\/b>/;
$usersatrank = $1;
#Get the percentage of users beaten
$test =~ m/<b>(.+)%<\/b>/;
$beaten = $1;
#Get the current rank
$test =~ m/is: <b>(.+)<\/b>/;
$rank = $1;
print "totalusers = '",$totalusers,"'\n";
print "unitsreturned = '",$unitsreturned,"'\n";
print "cputime = '",$cputime,"'\n";
print "averagecputime = '",$averagecputime,"'\n";
print "lastreturned = '",$lastreturned,"'\n";
print "usersatrank = '",$usersatrank,"'\n";
print "beaten = '",$beaten,"'\n";
print "rank = '",$rank,"'\n";