I have a copy of a Pervasive table which I have set up in MS Access. I run the following query on the access table:
Select ORDNUM_10, PRTNUM_10, IIF(isNull(CURDUE_10), '09-SEP-09', CURDUE_10) AS DUEDATE, STATUS_10 FROM [Order Master] WHERE CREDTE_10>='2002-05-02'"
How can I modify the IIF section to get this to work directly on the Pervasive table. Mighty
Select ORDNUM_10, PRTNUM_10, IIF(isNull(CURDUE_10), '09-SEP-09', CURDUE_10) AS DUEDATE, STATUS_10 FROM [Order Master] WHERE CREDTE_10>='2002-05-02'"
How can I modify the IIF section to get this to work directly on the Pervasive table. Mighty