Is there a way to set up a text box with an accumulating total for a field ? Each time a value is entered into a field, that value is added to this total field ? (Like running total for Access reports) ?
Is there a way to do this based on a check box. I have a database I use to keep track of cash receipts. I enter the checks as a record with various fields.
I want to have a form that will show all records that have a blank in the deposit date and then I want to be able to click on a box and have an accumulating sum in a field on the form.
The reason is because I do not do the bookkeeping, I'm just one of the balance and check systems we have in place. I need to be able to match up what checks were deposited with the deposit slip I get from the bank (this only have a total).
Any suggestions
Just a note, I'm new at this so it would need to be something simple or with real easy to follow instructions.
The DSum idea in the first answer is still the way to go, but you can use a "Where" clause with that DSum. The third parameter within the () is the "Where" clause. Something like "IsNull(DepositDate)" should do the trick.
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