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Set querystring to session?

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Oct 9, 2002
Lots of reading, answer might not be that hard...I am currently working on a set of asp pages that allows my company to keep track of vendors that are attending our meetings. The default asp page allows the user to either go directly to a:

1. link that displays all individual vendors names(vendorind.asp)
2. link that displays all vendor companies (vendorcomp.asp)

From vendorcomp.asp the user can select a link next to each vendor company name that will send them to the vendorind.asp displaying only thier individual vendor names. This is done by sending a querystring with the vendors company number (ex. vendormeetings/vendors/vendorind.asp?VendorNumber=302).

The page vendorind.asp displays 20 records by Vendor company. Each record contains the following: ID, VendorNumber, FirstName, LastName. Each field can be sorted and also searched on using a basic search (type in what you are looking for, it searches all fields). The problem I am having is that when I pass VendorNumber to Vendorind using the querystring and more than 20 records are returned and the user selects the next link (or a page number link), the original querystring with the VendorNumber is not passed. I am not sure how to set this up (do I set the querystring as a session, are there issues by doing this?). Here is the code:

<% 'no security checking %>
Response.expires = 0
Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1
Response.addHeader &quot;pragma&quot;, &quot;no-cache&quot;
Response.addHeader &quot;cache-control&quot;, &quot;private&quot;
Response.CacheControl = &quot;no-cache&quot;
<!--#include file=&quot;db.asp&quot;-->

displayRecs = 20
recRange = 10

' Get table name
tablename = &quot;[vendorind]&quot;
dbwhere = &quot;&quot;
b_search = &quot;&quot;

' Get search criteria for basic search
pSearch = Request.QueryString(&quot;psearch&quot;)
If pSearch <> &quot;&quot; Then
pSearch = replace(pSearch,&quot;'&quot;,&quot;''&quot;)
pSearch = replace(pSearch,&quot;[&quot;,&quot;[[]&quot;)
b_search = b_search & &quot;[VendorNumber] LIKE '%&quot; & pSearch & &quot;%' OR &quot;
b_search = b_search & &quot;[FirstName] LIKE '%&quot; & pSearch & &quot;%' OR &quot;
b_search = b_search & &quot;[LastName] LIKE '%&quot; & pSearch & &quot;%' OR &quot;
End If
If len(b_search) > 4 Then
b_search = mid(b_search,1,len(b_search)-4)
b_search = &quot;(&quot; & b_search & &quot;)&quot;
End If

'Build search criteria
If b_search <> &quot;&quot; Then
dbwhere = dbwhere & b_search 'basic search
End If

'Save search criteria
If dbwhere <> &quot;&quot; Then
Session(&quot;tablename&quot;) = tablename
Session(&quot;dbwhere&quot;) = dbwhere
'reset start record counter
startRec = 1
Session(&quot;vendorind_REC&quot;) = startRec
If tablename = Session(&quot;tablename&quot;) Then
dbwhere = Session(&quot;dbwhere&quot;)
'reset search criteria
dbwhere = &quot;&quot;
Session(&quot;dbwhere&quot;) = dbwhere
End If
End If

'Get clear search cmd
If Request.QueryString(&quot;cmd&quot;).Count > 0 then
If ucase(cmd) = &quot;RESET&quot; Then
'reset search criteria
dbwhere = &quot;&quot;
Session(&quot;dbwhere&quot;) = dbwhere
End If
End If


' Load Default Order
DefaultOrder = &quot;&quot;
DefaultOrderType = &quot;&quot;

' Check for an Order parameter
OrderBy = &quot;&quot;
If Request.QueryString(&quot;order&quot;).Count > 0 Then
OrderBy = Request.QueryString(&quot;order&quot;)
' Check if an ASC/DESC toggle is required
If Session(&quot;vendorind_OB&quot;) = OrderBy Then
If Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;) = &quot;ASC&quot; Then
Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;) = &quot;DESC&quot;
Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;) = &quot;ASC&quot;
End if
Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;) = &quot;ASC&quot;
End If
Session(&quot;vendorind_OB&quot;) = OrderBy
Session(&quot;vendorind_REC&quot;) = 1
OrderBy = Session(&quot;vendorind_OB&quot;)
if OrderBy = &quot;&quot; then
OrderBy = DefaultOrder
Session(&quot;vendorind_OB&quot;) = OrderBy
Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;) = DefaultOrderType
End If
End If

' Check for a START parameter
If Request.QueryString(&quot;start&quot;).Count > 0 Then
startRec = Request.QueryString(&quot;start&quot;)
Session(&quot;vendorind_REC&quot;) = startRec
startRec = Session(&quot;vendorind_REC&quot;)
if not isnumeric(startRec) or startRec = &quot;&quot; then
'reset start record counter
startRec = 1
Session(&quot;vendorind_REC&quot;) = startRec
End If
End If

' Open Connection to the database
set conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
conn.Open xDb_Conn_Str

'If there is a vendornum in the string
If Request.Querystring(&quot;VendorNumber&quot;)<> &quot;&quot; then
strsql = &quot;select * from [vendorind] where VendorNumber =&quot;&myVar1&&quot;&quot;
If dbwhere <> &quot;&quot; Then
strsql = strsql & &quot; WHERE &quot; & dbwhere
End If
If OrderBy <> &quot;&quot; then
strsql = strsql & &quot; ORDER BY [&quot; & OrderBy & &quot;] &quot;& Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;)
End if
set rs = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
rs.Open strsql, conn, 1, 2
totalRecs = rs.RecordCount
'If there is no vendornum in the string
strsql = &quot;select * from [vendorind]&quot;
If dbwhere <> &quot;&quot; Then
strsql = strsql & &quot; WHERE &quot; & dbwhere
End If
If OrderBy <> &quot;&quot; then
strsql = strsql & &quot; ORDER BY [&quot; & OrderBy & &quot;] &quot;& Session(&quot;vendorind_OT&quot;)
End if
set rs = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)
rs.Open strsql, conn, 1, 2
totalRecs = rs.RecordCount
End If

<!--#include file=&quot;header.asp&quot;-->

<p><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>TABLE : vendorind</font></p>
<form action=&quot;vendorindlist.asp&quot;>
<table border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;4&quot;>
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>Quick Search (*)</font></td>
<input type=&quot;Text&quot; name=&quot;psearch&quot; size=10>
<input type=&quot;Submit&quot; name=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;GO!&quot;>
<td><a href=&quot;vendorindind.asp?cmd=reset&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>Show All</font></a></td>

<table border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;4&quot;>

<font size=&quot;-1&quot;><a href=&quot;VendorComp.asp&quot;>Back to Company List</font></a>

<form name=&quot;vendorindlist&quot;>
<table border=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;1&quot; cellpadding=&quot;5&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#CCCCCC&quot;>
<tr bgcolor=&quot;#0099CC&quot;>
<a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?order=<%= Server.URLEncode(&quot;ID&quot;) %>&quot;><font color=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>ID </font></font></a>
<a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?order=<%= Server.URLEncode(&quot;VendorNumber&quot;) %>&quot;><font color=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>Vendor Number (*)</font></font></a>
<a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?order=<%= Server.URLEncode(&quot;CustomerName&quot;) %>&quot;><font color=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>First Name (*)</font></font></a>
<a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?order=<%= Server.URLEncode(&quot;CustomerName&quot;) %>&quot;><font color=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>Last Name (*)</font></font></a>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>

'Avoid starting record > total records
if clng(startRec) > clng(totalRecs) then
startRec = totalRecs
end if
'Set the last record to display
stopRec = startRec + displayRecs - 1

'Move to first record directly for performance reason
recCount = startRec - 1
if not rs.eof then
rs.move startRec - 1
end if

recActual = 0
Do While (NOT rs.EOF) AND (recCount < stopRec)
recCount = recCount + 1
If Clng(recCount) >= Clng(startRec) Then
recActual = recActual + 1 %>

'set row color

' Display alternate color for rows
If recCount mod 2 <> 0 Then
End If

x_ID = rs(&quot;ID&quot;)
x_VendorNumber = rs(&quot;VendorNumber&quot;)
x_FirstName = rs(&quot;FirstName&quot;)
x_LastName = rs(&quot;LastName&quot;)

<tr bgcolor=&quot;<%= bgcolor %>&quot;>
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write ucase(x_ID) %> 
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write x_VendorNumber %> 
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write ucase(x_FirstName) %> 
<td><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>
<% response.write ucase(x_LastName) %> 

end if

if totalRecs > 0 then

' Find out if there should be Backward or Forward Buttons on the table.
If startRec = 1 Then
isPrev = False
isPrev = True
PrevStart = startRec - displayRecs
If PrevStart < 1 Then PrevStart = 1 %>
<hr size=&quot;1&quot;>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=PrevStart%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>[<< Prev]</font></a></strong>
End If

' Display Page numbers
If (isPrev OR (NOT rs.EOF)) Then
If (NOT isPrev) Then Response.Write &quot;<HR SIZE=1>&quot;
x = 1
y = 1

dx1 = ((startRec-1)\(displayRecs*recRange))*displayRecs*recRange+1
dy1 = ((startRec-1)\(displayRecs*recRange))*recRange+1
If (dx1+displayRecs*recRange-1) > totalRecs then
dx2 = (totalRecs\displayRecs)*displayRecs+1
dy2 = (totalRecs\displayRecs)+1
dx2 = dx1+displayRecs*recRange-1
dy2 = dy1+recRange-1
End If

While x <= totalrecs
If x >= dx1 and x <= dx2 Then
If Clng(startRec) = Clng(x) Then %>
<strong><font size=&quot;-1&quot;><%=y%></font></strong>
<% Else %>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=x%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;><%=y%></font></A></strong>
<% End If
x = x + displayRecs
y = y + 1
elseif x >= (dx1-displayRecs*recRange) and x <= (dx2+displayRecs*recRange) then
if x+recRange*displayRecs < totalRecs then %>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=x%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;><%=y%>-<%=y+recRange-1%></font></a></strong>
<% else
if ny = y then %>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=x%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;><%=y%></font></a></strong>
<% else %>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=x%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;><%=y%>-<%=ny%></font></a></strong>
<% end if
end if
End If
End If

' Next link
If NOT rs.EOF Then
NextStart = startRec + displayRecs
isMore = True %>
<strong><a href=&quot;vendorindlist.asp?start=<%=NextStart%>&quot;><font size=&quot;-1&quot;>[Next >>]</font></a></strong>
<% Else
isMore = False
End If %>
<hr size=&quot;1&quot;>
<% If stopRec > recCount Then stopRec = recCount %>
<font size=&quot;-1&quot;>Records <%= startRec %> to <%= stopRec %> of <%= totalRecs %></font>

<% Else %>
<font size=&quot;-1&quot;>No records found!</font>
<% End If %><%
' Close recordset and connection
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing %><!--#include file=&quot;footer.asp&quot;-->
Session(&quot;Ven_Num&quot;) = Requset.Querystring(&quot;VendorNumber&quot;)
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Part and Inventory Search

