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Just came across the problem to change the factory default root password for the ILOM. Normally a piece of cake but sometimes the ILOM behaves unexpectedly - never had this problem before (see the commands below): I could not set the password and I could not reset the SP either - and now?
Solution: there is another account that you can use for rebooting the SP (and with which you can do a lot more) called "sunservice" which I did not know about until now. Maybe interesting for you admins who have to deal with the i86 boxes ...
- after the reboot the root password could be set (as expected). Of course to mention is the WARNING to use this account (also see below).
Here is what to do:
Solution: there is another account that you can use for rebooting the SP (and with which you can do a lot more) called "sunservice" which I did not know about until now. Maybe interesting for you admins who have to deal with the i86 boxes ...
Here is what to do:
ssh root@10.xx.xxx.xxx
Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Warning: password is set to factory default.
-> cd /SP/users
-> set /SP/users/root password
Enter new password: ********
Enter new password again: ********
set: No such object value
-> reset /SP
Are you sure you want to reset /SP (y/n)? y
Performing hard reset on /SP failed
reset: No such inventory
-> exit
Connection to 10.xx.xxx.xxx closed.
ssh sunservice@10.xx.xxx.xxx
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
WARNING: The "sunservice" account is provided solely to allow
Sun Services to perform diagnosis and recovery tasks. Customer use of
the "sunservice" account may interfere with the correct operation of
ILOM and is not supported other than to perform recovery procedures as
documented by Sun Microsystems. Normal ILOM operations should always be
performed using the root account. Further usage of the "sunservice"
account implies your agreement with these terms.
[(flash)root@SUNSP001E682EDE6C:/bin]# cd /
[(flash)root@SUNSP001E682EDE6C:/]# cd sbin
[(flash)root@SUNSP001E682EDE6C:/sbin]# reboot
Read from remote host 10.xx.xxx.xxx: Connection reset by peer
Connection to 10.xx.xxx.xxx closed.