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set group permissions batch 2

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May 12, 2005
Hey everyone,

I was wondering how to set group permissions with a batch file. I have to create about... 150 groups and need to give them permissions to specific folders.

Is there a command that can be run from a batch file that will set the permissions?



Online multiplayer strategy games huh? Try, 1483online.com where the games are FREE and the community drives enhancements to the game. ;-D
This forum would be able to help out a lot in your question:


Look in the FAQ's. There may already be something you could use in there. As a matter of fact, this FAQ may specifically help:


Just as a courtesy, you should probably look into VBScript instead of batch files. VBScript is more powerful, and it's capabilities surpass batch files. Also, less memory intensive (each batch open's a Microsoft VM).
I agree with tfq13 in that VBScript is powerful, but there is a learning curve if you are not familiar with it. Also, VBScript does not make all your current tools obsolete. I would use whatever resource gets the job done quickly whether it's VB, batch, and/or utilities. With that said let's tackle your requirements.

1. Create 150 Security groups using a command utility:
DSADD.EXE is a Win2003 admin tool that works with 2003 and 2000(>=SP3) domain controllers. You could call this utility from a batch.
DSADD GROUP "LDAPPath" -secgrp yesno -scope grouptype

LDAPPath e.g.
-secgrp yesno yes=security group, no=distribution group
-scope grouptype either l=local, g=global, or u=universal.

Create 150 Security groups using VBScript:
This code reads a text file, which you create, with the names of all the security groups and uses ADSI to create each group. Creat a text file call SecGrps.txt and place it on the root of your C: drive. The SecGrps.txt file should include each security group name, on their own line.
Security Group 1
Security Group 2
Security Group 3

Copy this code and name it SecGrps.vbs. Make sure you put your domian name in the script ("WinNT://yourdomainname").

On Error Resume Next
Const ForReading = 1

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\SecGrps.txt", ForReading)
strText = objTextFile.ReadAll
arrSecGroups = Split(strText, VbCrLf)

For Each SecGroup In arrSecGroups
Set DomObj = GetObject("WinNT://yourdomainname")
Set Group = DomObj.Create("group", secGroup)

2. Now that your 150 Groups are created you need to add your users.
Read my reply on "modifiying group membership in bulk."

You can also use VBScript to do this:
This is an example:
Set Group = _
Group.Add "WinNT://YourDomainName/useraccount,user"

3. With the users now members of the groups, add groups to resources and set permissions.
You can add the groups to the NTFS permissions in a batch using the XCACLS.EXE resource kit utilily.
XCACLS c:\sales\repair\*.* /G SecurityGroupName:F

the above example grants the Security Grop the full access right to all files and folders in the repair directory.

Good luck...
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