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Set Field Length with MsQuery

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Jun 4, 2001
Similar to the format command or using Cdbl(0) to create a Double field, is there a way to set a text field's length using a standard MS Query ie; FieldName: FieldLen = 4

I want to set the length of the field when a MakeTable query is run. The initial query will create a table with some empty text fields that I will update later. There are quite a few of these fields and thay default to a size of 255. This will eventually cause the size of the Db to become too large.
The query would be similar to <FieldName:&quot;SpaceFiller&quot;.>
&quot;SpaceFiller&quot; would be the maximum length of any data updated in the field, therefore, I don't need fields 255 Char's long.
got this out of VBA help

Sub SizeX()

Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
Dim tdfEmployees As TableDef
Dim fldNew As Field
Dim fldLoop As Field

Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase(&quot;Northwind.mdb&quot;)
Set tdfEmployees = dbsNorthwind.TableDefs!Employees

With tdfEmployees

' Create and append a new Field object to the
' Employees table.
Set fldNew = .CreateField(&quot;FaxPhone&quot;)
fldNew.Type = dbText
fldNew.Size = 20
.Fields.Append fldNew

Debug.Print &quot;TableDef: &quot; & .Name
Debug.Print &quot; Field.Name - Field.Type - Field.Size&quot;

' Enumerate Fields collection; print field names,
' types, and sizes.
For Each fldLoop In .Fields
Debug.Print &quot; &quot; & fldLoop.Name & &quot; - &quot; & _
fldLoop.Type & &quot; - &quot; & fldLoop.Size
Next fldLoop

' Delete new field because this is a demonstration.
.Fields.Delete fldNew.Name

End With


End Sub
DougP, MCP
Thanks Doug,
Was hoping not to create the tables with Code/Sql but it looks like it's going to be the only way.
thx again
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Part and Inventory Search

