Input Form
Combo1 Name
Combo2 Location1
Combo3 Location2
Based on AcNo entered a PopUp form shows last 10 transactions for AcNo
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
Row Source Type = Table/Query
Row Source = SELECT [ID] AS xyz_ID_xyz, [Name] AS xyz_DispExpr_xyz, [Name] FROM tblMrl2 ORDER BY [Name];
Trans 1 = PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
Trans 2 = PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
The values displayed by the above transactions are already within their
respective Combo Boxes.
I need the combo to display that value. In other words
when Trans 1 is selected
set default value of Combo1 = PopName
set default value of Combo2 = PopLocation1 Etc
Combo1 Name
Combo2 Location1
Combo3 Location2
Based on AcNo entered a PopUp form shows last 10 transactions for AcNo
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
Row Source Type = Table/Query
Row Source = SELECT [ID] AS xyz_ID_xyz, [Name] AS xyz_DispExpr_xyz, [Name] FROM tblMrl2 ORDER BY [Name];
Trans 1 = PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
Trans 2 = PopAcno PopName PopLocation1 PopLocation2
The values displayed by the above transactions are already within their
respective Combo Boxes.
I need the combo to display that value. In other words
when Trans 1 is selected
set default value of Combo1 = PopName
set default value of Combo2 = PopLocation1 Etc