I've been using procomm/aspect since the the days of datastorm.. and today I really needed to setup so that the script and aspect path would change to specific directory .. and stay there.
I found this old thread:
Riegg (Programmer) 18 Nov 04 13:54
I am trying to set my sdlgfopen's to a defult path and I am having little luck....
But I got to thinking.
-I copied the PW5.PRM file to PW5-orig.prm
-Started procomm .. and setup the paths then exited.
-copied the PW5.PRM file to PW5-mypath.prm
(you see where I'm going here)
Now if I want straight procomm.. I make sure that pw5-orig.prm is copied to pw5.prm and if I want a special setup I make sure I copy my special pw5-mypath.prm onto pw5.prm.
I can have as many of these little prm files as necessary
A little bat file never hurt anyone !
I found this old thread:
Riegg (Programmer) 18 Nov 04 13:54
I am trying to set my sdlgfopen's to a defult path and I am having little luck....
But I got to thinking.
-I copied the PW5.PRM file to PW5-orig.prm
-Started procomm .. and setup the paths then exited.
-copied the PW5.PRM file to PW5-mypath.prm
(you see where I'm going here)
Now if I want straight procomm.. I make sure that pw5-orig.prm is copied to pw5.prm and if I want a special setup I make sure I copy my special pw5-mypath.prm onto pw5.prm.
I can have as many of these little prm files as necessary
A little bat file never hurt anyone !