I have created a basic asp application in which a user logs in to the app and has the ability to enter/edit/retrieve data for persons that are selected in a listbox.
One of the requirements is that an office manager from office A not see the listing of people in the listbox as those in Office B. So, what i did was to create a office_id field in tblUserNames in my SQL database. I am grabbing Username and Office_ID and putting them into sessions from the login. So, Session("Username" and Session("Office_ID". I know these sessions are being passed from page to page b/c i've set labels up in a test system to *SHOW* me that they are being passed.
Here is my dilemma. I filter the listboxes based on a query using the office_id session i am using throughout the pages. Well, seemingly this session "gets lost" after some time. I know the default time is 20 minutes but the user is browsing pages etc. Now, i've set NO sessionStates etc in my web.config nor have i tried to alter the timeout on the IIS side of things.
If anyone has run into this before or perhaps knows of a better way to capture the information i need when the user logs into the system i would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
One of the requirements is that an office manager from office A not see the listing of people in the listbox as those in Office B. So, what i did was to create a office_id field in tblUserNames in my SQL database. I am grabbing Username and Office_ID and putting them into sessions from the login. So, Session("Username" and Session("Office_ID". I know these sessions are being passed from page to page b/c i've set labels up in a test system to *SHOW* me that they are being passed.
Here is my dilemma. I filter the listboxes based on a query using the office_id session i am using throughout the pages. Well, seemingly this session "gets lost" after some time. I know the default time is 20 minutes but the user is browsing pages etc. Now, i've set NO sessionStates etc in my web.config nor have i tried to alter the timeout on the IIS side of things.
If anyone has run into this before or perhaps knows of a better way to capture the information i need when the user logs into the system i would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance