I've started using sessions not so long ago and now have a couple of problems.
1. Why can't I see the session id when I hover over a link or in the address bar -
blah.php instead of blah.php?PHPSESSID=66463udhd6dhdje89 ??
2. Everything worked fine untill now. I have two scripts. Both use sessions. When ending a session using session_destroy(); it destroys the active session of the other script. Why is this??
thank you ######## CtN ########
I've started using sessions not so long ago and now have a couple of problems.
1. Why can't I see the session id when I hover over a link or in the address bar -
blah.php instead of blah.php?PHPSESSID=66463udhd6dhdje89 ??
2. Everything worked fine untill now. I have two scripts. Both use sessions. When ending a session using session_destroy(); it destroys the active session of the other script. Why is this??
thank you ######## CtN ########