Hi there,
I have a PHP page which lists downloads available to our customers. In the last few months, we've been getting a lot of customers informing us that IE reports "Download Complete" even though the file size of the download indicates that it has not managed to download the entire file. Obviously, we successfully tested the download before serving it up to our customers.
When downloading large files from other sites (at work), I've often encountered this problem (IE reports "Download Complete" yet file is incomplete). However, downloading the same file from home works fine. I've experienced this behaviour in both IE and FF.
Recently, I was downloading a large (334MB) file from an external site and they offered two downloads:
- Product X
- Product X (with download manager)
I clicked the latter option and a Java applet opened in my browser and proceeded to successfully download the entire file. I understand that this download manager can also resume downloads if interrupted.
I have a few questions related to this problem:
1) Any suggestions (other than a download manager) as to how to fix this problem?
2) Can anyone recommend a download manager product that I could integrate with my file download in order to create a bit more robustness?
Any advice/insights would be much appreciated!
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." (Paul Ehrlich)
To get the best answers from this forum see: faq102-5096
I have a PHP page which lists downloads available to our customers. In the last few months, we've been getting a lot of customers informing us that IE reports "Download Complete" even though the file size of the download indicates that it has not managed to download the entire file. Obviously, we successfully tested the download before serving it up to our customers.
When downloading large files from other sites (at work), I've often encountered this problem (IE reports "Download Complete" yet file is incomplete). However, downloading the same file from home works fine. I've experienced this behaviour in both IE and FF.
Recently, I was downloading a large (334MB) file from an external site and they offered two downloads:
- Product X
- Product X (with download manager)
I clicked the latter option and a Java applet opened in my browser and proceeded to successfully download the entire file. I understand that this download manager can also resume downloads if interrupted.
I have a few questions related to this problem:
1) Any suggestions (other than a download manager) as to how to fix this problem?
2) Can anyone recommend a download manager product that I could integrate with my file download in order to create a bit more robustness?
Any advice/insights would be much appreciated!
"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer." (Paul Ehrlich)
To get the best answers from this forum see: faq102-5096