You're probably opening a can of worms with this one. When SP2 came out I decided to wait and see how the general reaction of it was and there seemed to be a lot of hub-bub and conflicting information about it. Some people claimed everything went smooth and others had nothing but problems. Seemed to me from the research I did that most of the people with problems had custom made machines.
Mine is a OEM machine from Gateway and after learning you could remove SP2 I decided to go ahead and install it. Everything ran fine and continues to. I still hear of people with problems and, again, I think it comes from those who have built machines. There are also those with custom machines that had little or no problems so it may be up to whatever's been put inside the box.
If I remember correctly, one of the threads I read here advised someone with SP2/hardware problems to contact the manufacturer to find out of the peice was SP2 compatable. Sorry, can't remember which thread it was but it was within the past few days.
I'd recommend getting it. I like SP2, it plugs some security holes, has a good interface for the security and a fantastic pop-up blocker. I also installed the beta-spyware update and I like that, too.
judging by my personal experience - SP2 gives you a bunch of useful things, but you have to be careful with it. I've installed it on my personal computer and on computers of company I work for. The general conclusion is that, like Volk359 said, it has some nice goodies inside, but sometimes breaks various things. Two examples - on my personal machine video driver went insane (ATI Radeon), and in my company on one of the computers modem refused to dial any numbers (which was a real problem, as we use this modem to transfer customer details to bank). For me, the reinstallation of driver worked, for company's machine only cure was removing SP2.
Try installing it, but monitor carefully your system for any strange hardware behaviours and be prepared for them. If something's wrong try reinstalling drivers. If it doesn't help, post your problem here, maybe someone has a sollution. If not - remove SP2. Anyway, on most machines I had installed it on everything was fine.
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