I have sucessfully installed the product but the servver will not start. It has all the appropriate permissions required to start as a service. Anyone have any ideas?
20030610165845 service start type: NAIMSERV3, 2
20030610165845 service start: NAIMSERV3
20030610165846 Service "NAIMSERV3" is currently START pending. Waiting for service to START.
20030610165856 Service Failed to START from a START Pending state. Error code: -2147467259
20030610165856 ----- Fail -----
20030610165856 Timeout waiting for the Service to START.
Please see TRACE.LOG for more details.
Windows error code 80004005: Unspecified error
Error API: StartPendingService
Troubleshooting code: 153
20030610165845 service start type: NAIMSERV3, 2
20030610165845 service start: NAIMSERV3
20030610165846 Service "NAIMSERV3" is currently START pending. Waiting for service to START.
20030610165856 Service Failed to START from a START Pending state. Error code: -2147467259
20030610165856 ----- Fail -----
20030610165856 Timeout waiting for the Service to START.
Please see TRACE.LOG for more details.
Windows error code 80004005: Unspecified error
Error API: StartPendingService
Troubleshooting code: 153