Net5000 running NT 4.0 server. Three 9.1 GB drives in RAID 5 array.
Box won't boot - says: \winnt\system32\config\system is missing or corrupt.
Upon reboot, ServerRaid reports:
Controller 1, Slot 5, Logical Drive = 1, Other = 0
Firmware = 3.72.00, Status = OK
Warning: 1 logical drive is critical
Warning: 1 online drive defunct
Press Ctl-I to access mini-config program
The IBM p/n for all 3 drives is 25L1953
Additional fact: the drive has been partitioned into a C: and a D: drive.
Last fact: there are no (amber) lights on any of the 3 hotswap drives.
Question1: Does the fact that there are no (amber) lights on the drives tell me that the drives may be good, but the raid config is bad?
Question2: I have similar hot swap drives in stock but another IBM p/n 25L1893. Where can I find out if these are compatible enough to rebuild?
Thanks a million in advance....
Box won't boot - says: \winnt\system32\config\system is missing or corrupt.
Upon reboot, ServerRaid reports:
Controller 1, Slot 5, Logical Drive = 1, Other = 0
Firmware = 3.72.00, Status = OK
Warning: 1 logical drive is critical
Warning: 1 online drive defunct
Press Ctl-I to access mini-config program
The IBM p/n for all 3 drives is 25L1953
Additional fact: the drive has been partitioned into a C: and a D: drive.
Last fact: there are no (amber) lights on any of the 3 hotswap drives.
Question1: Does the fact that there are no (amber) lights on the drives tell me that the drives may be good, but the raid config is bad?
Question2: I have similar hot swap drives in stock but another IBM p/n 25L1893. Where can I find out if these are compatible enough to rebuild?
Thanks a million in advance....