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Server to busy message?

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Oct 17, 2000
My application works fine on my development machine: Windows 98 using PWS4 with a Visual Foxpro 5 backend database.

The forms and associated processing pages updated/inserted/deleted with no issues.

When i moved my CF files and database to a hosted service and tried to submit a form page I receive a Server to busy message. I never received a message like this using my development machine. The host suggests I try using error handling to prevent this message. I really have no idea how to implement this, or why I need to?

Any advice? Below is where i do my database inserts

<CFQUERY DATASOURCE=&quot;mhdinternal&quot; Name=&quot;checkuserid&quot;>
Select * from driver
WHERE duserid = '#Form.duserid#'
<CFSET duserid2=Trim(checkuserid.duserid)>
<CFIF &quot;#duserid2#&quot; IS NOT &quot;&quot;>
<titleDriver ID already exisits.</title>


<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=windows-1252&quot;>
<meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Language&quot; content=&quot;en-us&quot;>

<P><FONT size=5><STRONG>Someone else is already&nbsp;using
that&nbsp;Driver ID!</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT>Use the <EM>back</EM> button on your web browser to return to the previous page
and enter a different Driver ID.</FONT></P>


<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;FORM.creditcard&quot; default=&quot;No&quot;>
<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;FORM.dcentral&quot; default=&quot;No&quot;>
<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;FORM.dsuburbs&quot; default=&quot;No&quot;>
<CFPARAM NAME=&quot;FORM.dgreater&quot; default=&quot;No&quot;>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>

<CFINSERT DATASOURCE = &quot;mhdinternal&quot; TABLENAME=&quot;driver&quot;
FORMFIELDS = &quot;badgeno,licenseno,licenseissue, ni1, ni2, ni3, ni4, ni5, cuserid, duserid, dpassword,
licensepoints, surname, forname1, forname2, dob, raddress1, raddress2, raddress3, drivertype,
rcity, rpostcode1, rpostcode2, rtelno1, rtelno2, remail, hde, dateavailable, dcentral, dgreater,
dsuburbs, deliverto, crim, mhdcomm, mhdcess, creditcard, authorization1, authorization2&quot;>

<CFINSERT DATASOURCE = &quot;mhdinternal&quot; TABLENAME=&quot;Driver_vehicle&quot;
FORMFIELDS = &quot;licenseno, mot, type, vrefrig, vreg, vsurname, other,
vforname1, vforname2, vaddress1, vaddress2, vaddress3, vcity, vpostcode1, vpostcode2, vmanufact, vcolour, vmodel&quot;>

<CFINSERT DATASOURCE = &quot;mhdinternal&quot; TABLENAME=&quot;driver_insurance&quot;
FORMFIELDS = &quot;licenseno, ipolicy, ivalid, icompname, iaddress1, iaddress2, iaddress3, icity,
ipostcode1, ipostcode2, itelno1, itelno2, inoclaims, ipremium&quot;>

<CFINSERT DATASOURCE = &quot;mhdinternal&quot; TABLENAME=&quot;driver_employment&quot;
FORMFIELDS = &quot;licenseno, ee, misconduct, ename, eaddress1, eaddress2, eaddress3, ecity, epostcode1, epostcode2,
etelno1, etelno2, ebegindate, eenddate, pname1, p1begindate, p1enddate, p1telno1, p1telno2,
pname2, p2begindate, p2enddate, p2telno1, p2telno2, pname3, p3begindate, p3enddate, p3telno1, p3telno2&quot;>

<CFIF ISDEFINED(&quot;Form.licensephoto1&quot;)>
<CFIF Trim(Form.licensephoto1) IS NOT &quot;&quot;>
<CFFILE ACTION=&quot;Upload&quot;
ACCEPT=&quot;image/jpg, image/pjpeg,image/gif,image/bmp, image/tiff&quot;
<CFSET licensephoto=&quot;#Trim(FILE.ServerFilename)#.#File.ServerFileExt#&quot;>
<CFSET licensephotodtc=&quot;#DateFormat(FILE.Timecreated,'DD MMM YYYY')# #TimeFormat(File.Timecreated,'HH:MM:SS')#&quot; >

<cfquery name=&quot;DriverInsertPhoto&quot; datasource=&quot;mhdinternal&quot;>
INSERT INTO driver (licensephoto, licensephotodtc)
VALUES ('#Variables.licensephoto#','#Variables.licensephotodtc#')

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