I know how to do an include...
<!--#include file="whatever.asp"-->
I want to know how to base the file off of a variable...
If x=1 Then
strFilePath = "whatever.asp"
strFilePath = "nothing.asp"
End If
<!--#include file="<%= strFilePath %>"-->
Ok, NO, this does not work, but I want something that will work like it. I just want to know if there is ANY way to send the SSI a variable for the file. All it is is a string, so it HAS to be possible. Let me know!!! Thanks! ~[ cid ]~
<!--#include file="whatever.asp"-->
I want to know how to base the file off of a variable...
If x=1 Then
strFilePath = "whatever.asp"
strFilePath = "nothing.asp"
End If
<!--#include file="<%= strFilePath %>"-->
Ok, NO, this does not work, but I want something that will work like it. I just want to know if there is ANY way to send the SSI a variable for the file. All it is is a string, so it HAS to be possible. Let me know!!! Thanks! ~[ cid ]~