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We have a vendor that claims they can't guarantee the stability of their product (web/Java client, SQL 2000 server) unless we reboot our SQL server at least weekly if not more often. We've always felt this was ridiculous and since we have more than one DB on the server, it's unacceptable anyway.
I'm taking a couple of classes online through a local college that recently switched from Blackboard to D2L and they just issued a bulletin about D2L problems they are controlling by rebooting their SQL server daily.
Assuming the SQL server is only running SQL Server and hosting databases (no other applications) just what kind of application can cause a SQL server to need rebooting? CLient machines and other types of application servers needing reboots, yes - but I've never heard of database servers needing this.
The future is already here - it's just not widely distributed yet...
I'm taking a couple of classes online through a local college that recently switched from Blackboard to D2L and they just issued a bulletin about D2L problems they are controlling by rebooting their SQL server daily.
Assuming the SQL server is only running SQL Server and hosting databases (no other applications) just what kind of application can cause a SQL server to need rebooting? CLient machines and other types of application servers needing reboots, yes - but I've never heard of database servers needing this.
The future is already here - it's just not widely distributed yet...