Our company is ready to roll out an online application for our sales agenets. I read as much as I could on the web and believe that a two-server configuration, one to house our app and the other our database should be sufficient to get us going. In terms of hardware, a RAID-5 configuration of 3 HDs each and a tape drive would provide a nice backup solution.
My question is what brand and at what price? I'm currently looking at the DELL 500SCs but I'm not sure it supports RAID-5...so I'm also looking at the 1400. I'm curous about the nature of the PERC3/SC and PERC3/DCL controllers. What are the advantages of Dual channel Raid Controllers?
My question is what brand and at what price? I'm currently looking at the DELL 500SCs but I'm not sure it supports RAID-5...so I'm also looking at the 1400. I'm curous about the nature of the PERC3/SC and PERC3/DCL controllers. What are the advantages of Dual channel Raid Controllers?