I was just working on my server and made some config changes to postfix trying to get SMTPAUTH to work, and I typed
>service --status-all
to make sure everything was running again. it listed a couple of servies and then hung in my ssh window.
I tried CTRL+C to cancel it which accomplished nothing so I tried CTRL+Z and CTRL+D, still nothing.
I then opened another copy of SSH the I get an error about the server being down or network problems or misconfigured firewall.
I can ping the server but not any virtual servers on it.
Any ideas as to what happened and if this will clear up on its own? or will I have to call an admin at my provider to have the restart the machine? (I can't get high speed access in my area so I have to have the server at another location)
My server is running redhat 7.1 with bind8, apache, postgres and postfix.
>service --status-all
to make sure everything was running again. it listed a couple of servies and then hung in my ssh window.
I tried CTRL+C to cancel it which accomplished nothing so I tried CTRL+Z and CTRL+D, still nothing.
I then opened another copy of SSH the I get an error about the server being down or network problems or misconfigured firewall.
I can ping the server but not any virtual servers on it.
Any ideas as to what happened and if this will clear up on its own? or will I have to call an admin at my provider to have the restart the machine? (I can't get high speed access in my area so I have to have the server at another location)
My server is running redhat 7.1 with bind8, apache, postgres and postfix.