The more I work with Sharepoint services, the less I want to associate this software with MY job.
Okay, starting with a fresh install of 2k3 server and sql 2000, I am receiving the following error trying to create the administration site.
I load the setup with the syntax:
setupsts remotesql=yes provision=no
Setup goes great, no errors. When I use the following syntax to create the administration site, it bombs with error above ('Server extensions administration port not found.')
I am banging my head against the wall with this software! It can't possibly be this finicky can it?!!!
Jeff Warmuth
ICQ 129152989
Okay, starting with a fresh install of 2k3 server and sql 2000, I am receiving the following error trying to create the administration site.
I load the setup with the syntax:
setupsts remotesql=yes provision=no
Setup goes great, no errors. When I use the following syntax to create the administration site, it bombs with error above ('Server extensions administration port not found.')
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\BIN>stsadm.exe -o setadminport -port 8080 -admapcreatenew -admapidname UCAdminAP -admapidtype configurableid -admapidlogin [mydomain]\sharepointadmin -admapidpwd [password]
Server extensions administration port not found.
I am banging my head against the wall with this software! It can't possibly be this finicky can it?!!!
Jeff Warmuth
ICQ 129152989