hello, i need one example about serial port data transmision.<br>I've one example but i think it does not work, please help me about this. PD: Windows mode.<br>
Hey..<br> Inwindows mode U ca'nt use inport &outport<br>instructions as in DOS.<br>So u will have use sockets.<br>Call this socket API's in ur programme.<br>
Dear sachindn,<br><br>> So u will have use sockets.<br><br>That is an erroneous statement. You cannot transmit data on a serial port using sockets unless the TCPIP stack is connected to the sieral port which is usually NOT the case.<br><br>-pete
Dear ric998812,<br><br>As ZBuilder stated there are some differences between Win16 and Win32, if you are dealing with Win32, go to msdn.microsoft.com and read this article, you can also download a sample working appication from this article.<br><br><A HREF="
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