I need something like a serial number of the Hardware that my program could get from any hardware lik HDD, Screen or anything, If you have an Ideea about what i am talkin, respond...
If all you want is the serial number of the Hard Drive for example simply use GetVolumeInformation()
If you want the MAC address of your network card it's a little more involved.
You will need the following API functions :
Netbios (NCB pncb);
CopyMemory (PVOID hpvDest,LONG hpvSource LONG cbcopy);
HeapAlloc (LONG hHeap,LONG dwFlags, LONG dwBytes);
HeapFree (LONG hHeap LONG dwFlags, LPVOID lpMem);
If you can't be bothered or want to see an example (albeit in VB) an open source sample is available here <
The MAC address just needs a call to UuidCreateSequential. The last 6 bytes of the resulting GUID represent the MAC address.
Note that you may find solutions suggesting the use of CoCreateGuid. However, this is just a wrapper for UuidCreate which, as of W2000, no longer returns the MAC portion. So, on the older OSs you can use CoCreateGuid or UuidCreate, and on W2000/XP/W2003 use UuidCreateSequential
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