TMJ9779 (TechnicalUser) Jul 20, 2004
Help, for a while we have been clocking massive errors on a serial interface on a 2600 Router, we have four t1s going into WICs on the router, the timing config is:
s0/0 line source internal
s1/1 line source line
s2/2 line source internal
s3/3 primary
On the s0/0 we are clocking massive CRC and aborts on the interface. Please Help, we have had errors going to this interface for weeks now, and we got the time info per Cisco, if you can think of any other possible cause please advise.
Help, for a while we have been clocking massive errors on a serial interface on a 2600 Router, we have four t1s going into WICs on the router, the timing config is:
s0/0 line source internal
s1/1 line source line
s2/2 line source internal
s3/3 primary
On the s0/0 we are clocking massive CRC and aborts on the interface. Please Help, we have had errors going to this interface for weeks now, and we got the time info per Cisco, if you can think of any other possible cause please advise.