We have a NEC NEAX 2000 IVS system, which I just recently got into. I have a CallXpress attached to it and I can now make changes remotely to that piece. The connection between the NEAX IVS card PN-DAIA to the Call Xpress system is through a special cable into a serial connection. My question is how can I use MATWorx to connect to the NEAX IVS system? I tried using the RS ports on the backplane of both chassis units and even tried using the serial connection from the PN-DAIA card that was for the voicemail serial connection. I used the Matworx software to connect and it ran through all the baud rates, no dice. Is there something else I need to configure or am I looking at this all wrong? The diagrams I see in the installation manual the RS connection is listed for coming from the MP.
Update: Doing more research on here, it looks like the same cable RS RVS-4S CA-C that is used for the voicemail connection, can be used for the programming and connecting to a PC. There are four ports on that AP00-A card, so one of those other three have to be a MCI port. If I connect and test all three remaining ports the MatWorx software should find it, correct? It checks all the baud rates on a port when connecting.
Another entry said the 25pin ports on the switch can also be used, there are one on each chassis above the batteries, which I tried previously. Are there specific baud rates for those? There are two, do I need a separate cable to talk to each one or are they joined together on that switch?
Update: Doing more research on here, it looks like the same cable RS RVS-4S CA-C that is used for the voicemail connection, can be used for the programming and connecting to a PC. There are four ports on that AP00-A card, so one of those other three have to be a MCI port. If I connect and test all three remaining ports the MatWorx software should find it, correct? It checks all the baud rates on a port when connecting.
Another entry said the 25pin ports on the switch can also be used, there are one on each chassis above the batteries, which I tried previously. Are there specific baud rates for those? There are two, do I need a separate cable to talk to each one or are they joined together on that switch?