Currently, I have a record field that contains both a city and a state. I am trying to grab the data that is currently in the one record and have a individual city record and then an individual state record. The problem is:
there are city's that contain more than one word (ex. New York NY) There is also no comma's. I do not know how to grab the cities complete name with out a comma present and I do not know how to read the string until it reaches the state name without reading the string until it reaches a comma. Do you have any suggestions or helpful hint? Thanks for your time and consideration.
there are city's that contain more than one word (ex. New York NY) There is also no comma's. I do not know how to grab the cities complete name with out a comma present and I do not know how to read the string until it reaches the state name without reading the string until it reaches a comma. Do you have any suggestions or helpful hint? Thanks for your time and consideration.