I am trying to locate a certain tabbed dialog, then get and set its' currently selected tab. I've successfully used FindWindow to get the handle of the dialog. And have tried to send a TCM_GETCURSEL message and it always returns zero, even when different tabs are selected. I'm doing this in Delphi but my code should be easy to read:
Your help would be much appreciated!
Ex nihilo, nihil fit (Out of nothing, nothing comes)
I am trying to locate a certain tabbed dialog, then get and set its' currently selected tab. I've successfully used FindWindow to get the handle of the dialog. And have tried to send a TCM_GETCURSEL message and it always returns zero, even when different tabs are selected. I'm doing this in Delphi but my code should be easy to read:
hDialog := FindWindow('#32770', PChar(DialogName));
if hDialog > 0 then
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SendMessage(hDialog, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)));
Your help would be much appreciated!
Ex nihilo, nihil fit (Out of nothing, nothing comes)