Am putting together a vb.net application in which an email is generated (to, subject, body and attachment) then displayed (as it would typically be using outlook) for the user to add further custom information. The issue i have is with the inculsion of the default signature.
It all works however as a result of the oMail.body = "body text" the default signature does not show up when displayed. If i remove the oMail.body portion of code it does.
How do I get the outlook message up for preview with both an automated body and default signature?
Code as follows:
Dim oOutL As New Outlook.Application
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim oInsp As Outlook.Inspector
oMail = oOutL.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
oMail.To = ""
oMail.Subject = "My Subject"
''if this line of code is included the defaul signature does not show up when displayed
'oMail.Body = "My Body"
oInsp = oMail.GetInspector
Thanks in advance