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Sendmail Relay to Domino

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Aug 27, 2002
I have a list server in the same domain as the Domino server. The list server is on a Linux box running sendmail. There are members on the list that from my domain.

Sendmail attempts to deliver mail to these users locally. When it can't find the user, I have a relay setup to the Domino server. The problem is that to avoid a loop, Sendmail adds the Domino server's host name to the email address.

For instance dantephoto@foo.com becomes dantephoto@domino.foo.com. The Domino server accepts the mail, but can seem to find dantephoto. Dantephoto exists on the Domino server but has an address of dantephoto@foo.com.

We had a similar problem on another network but we used Exchange instead of Notes. We added an additional smtp address to the user's account. That address had the prepended host name. It works.

Does anyone know how to get the Domino server to do the same thing?
Do you have a virtusertable set up on the sendmail server? If not, then you might just be able to go into the /etc/aliases file and add in listname real address. That might work better than using sendmail as a simple relay. Add in the listname, then the users to that file. Also check out /etc/sendmail.virtusertable and you can add in users there. check out for more info on setting up a virtual user table.
We had almost the same setup until we moved the aliases off from sendmail to a Domino server.

there's a few things you can try.

look at the configuration document in the name and address book (nab) on the server.

on the router/smtp - basics tab there's a field called name lookup: withe following options: fullname only, local part only fullname then local part.

when it's set to full name only, it'll only accept mail when it finds a unique match of the complete email address, in your example dantephoto@foo.com.
to mimic your workaround on exchange , you could add the dantephoto@domino.foo.com address as an alias to the fullname field (add it at the bottom of the list).

when it's set to local part only, it ignores the @ sign and everything following it. in which case you could have an alias of dantephoto (or shortname). _ and . signs are translated to spaces before looking for a match.

when set to fullname then local part, it first looks to a unique exact match for the email address, if it can't find that it'll look for a match before the @ sign using the rules above.

IRC: #notes on EFNet
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