this morning we suddenly were not able to send and receive mail. The sendmail process reads as follows:
root 6502 1 0 10:51:21 ? 00:00:01 sendmail: rejecting connections on daemon Daemon0: load average: 45
What little research I've been able to do hasn't led to an answer. I've stopped and started the service. The filesystems are not full and I've not found any other reasons that this would happen.
Anyone have any suggestions?
this morning we suddenly were not able to send and receive mail. The sendmail process reads as follows:
root 6502 1 0 10:51:21 ? 00:00:01 sendmail: rejecting connections on daemon Daemon0: load average: 45
What little research I've been able to do hasn't led to an answer. I've stopped and started the service. The filesystems are not full and I've not found any other reasons that this would happen.
Anyone have any suggestions?