I'd like to forward e-mails to another mailserver which belongs to the same namespace as the mailserver does.
Mailserver domain: mycorp.com
Mailaddress: linus.torvalds@mycorp.com
Mailbox "linus.torvalds" does exist on the mailserver mycorp.com.
Now, when I send an e-mail to linus.torvalds@mycorp.com, the mailserver "mycorp.com" recieves the e-mail. But there is no mailbox for this emailaddress.
Than the mailserver forward this mail to another mailserver which I'd like to specify.
If the mailbox exists then the mail will be saved and if the mailbox does not exist on the server the mail will be forwarded to the one I specify.
Does anybody know what I mean?
Many thanx for your help
I'd like to forward e-mails to another mailserver which belongs to the same namespace as the mailserver does.
Mailserver domain: mycorp.com
Mailaddress: linus.torvalds@mycorp.com
Mailbox "linus.torvalds" does exist on the mailserver mycorp.com.
Now, when I send an e-mail to linus.torvalds@mycorp.com, the mailserver "mycorp.com" recieves the e-mail. But there is no mailbox for this emailaddress.
Than the mailserver forward this mail to another mailserver which I'd like to specify.
If the mailbox exists then the mail will be saved and if the mailbox does not exist on the server the mail will be forwarded to the one I specify.
Does anybody know what I mean?
Many thanx for your help