My knowledge of sendmail/mailx is quite limited and that is why I have come to the font of all knowlegde Tek-Tips.... :0)
I am trying to get the mailx command to send out a mail externally from our company but displaying a different from address. At the moment it sends out internal mail with a from address of mail@hostname12.uk.com but I would like it to send it out as a "from mail@fredbloggs.uk.com" (I don't work for a company called Fred Bloggs by the way), the reason my mails get undelevered externally so our SMTP Backbone team say is because the hostname12.uk.com isn't a registered domian and to get it delievered externally it has to have a registered "from" address..... Whether thats correct or not I don't know, so any help would be great in getting mailx to have a different "from" address.
Thank You All
My knowledge of sendmail/mailx is quite limited and that is why I have come to the font of all knowlegde Tek-Tips.... :0)
I am trying to get the mailx command to send out a mail externally from our company but displaying a different from address. At the moment it sends out internal mail with a from address of mail@hostname12.uk.com but I would like it to send it out as a "from mail@fredbloggs.uk.com" (I don't work for a company called Fred Bloggs by the way), the reason my mails get undelevered externally so our SMTP Backbone team say is because the hostname12.uk.com isn't a registered domian and to get it delievered externally it has to have a registered "from" address..... Whether thats correct or not I don't know, so any help would be great in getting mailx to have a different "from" address.
Thank You All