Wanted inputs in creatin sendmail aliases manually as well as through webmin.
I want to alias to say three users who exist in nis-maps as user1@domain.com user2@mydomain.com user3@mydomain.com and I want mails sent to group1@mydomain.com sent to all of them, how do I do it ?? I am confused as group1 does not have a nis nor a local account. So, should I create one before that then ????????????????????
I want to alias to say three users who exist in nis-maps as user1@domain.com user2@mydomain.com user3@mydomain.com and I want mails sent to group1@mydomain.com sent to all of them, how do I do it ?? I am confused as group1 does not have a nis nor a local account. So, should I create one before that then ????????????????????