You want to see if they can help me I am mounting a mail server in Fedora I have 8 once the sendmail was installed 3,14, hagos you try them to see if it works to me well I give telnet ip 25, just like the 110 and 143 and you give me correct, I give ps besides - ax grep sendmail and you tell my warning:Bad syntax, perhaps to bogus -? See /usr/share/doc/clientmqueue
I give sendmail bv root - d0.1 -
Short domain command
Canonical domain
Subdomain name com
Node name
The problem that I do not have Dns neither foreign Ip ( publish ) still and you wanted to try the locally first server, from the webmin I can send the root of an usurio without trouble, but the following error gives me reason of the root to an user:550 5,1,1 nombre@dominio.commailto User unknown, that would be able to be badly configured
I give sendmail bv root - d0.1 -
Short domain command
Canonical domain
Subdomain name com
Node name
The problem that I do not have Dns neither foreign Ip ( publish ) still and you wanted to try the locally first server, from the webmin I can send the root of an usurio without trouble, but the following error gives me reason of the root to an user:550 5,1,1 nombre@dominio.commailto User unknown, that would be able to be badly configured