This is a generic procedure to allow a form to be opened and a value entered.
Because this is generic and I really do not want to write public functions to wrap the private event functions on the form, I am using setfocus and sendkeys to click buttons.
My first call works, the second does not.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Access 2010
Because this is generic and I really do not want to write public functions to wrap the private event functions on the form, I am using setfocus and sendkeys to click buttons.
My first call works, the second does not.
Sub FormNav(strForm As String, varKey As Variant, strControlName As String)
Dim frm As Form
DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acNormal
Set frm = Forms(strForm)
Select Case frm.Controls(strControlName).ControlType
Case acListBox, acComboBox
With frm.Controls(strControlName)
If .LimitToList Then
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim strkey As String
Dim strCriteriaValue As String
Set RS = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(.RowSource)
strkey = RS.Fields(.BoundColumn - 1).Name
Select Case RS.Fields(.BoundColumn - 1).Type
Case dbMemo, dbChar, dbText
strCriteriaValue = """" & varKey & """"
Case dbDate
strCriteriaValue = "#" & varKey & "#"
Case Else
strCriteriaValue = varKey
End Select
If DCount(strkey, .RowSource, strkey & " = " & strCriteriaValue) = 0 Then
'Value does not exist in drop down
'Click New button to add new record
SendKeys ("{Enter}") 'Fires btnNew_Click on form
GoTo FormNav_Cleanup 'Skip looking up
End If
End If
.Text = varKey
SendKeys ("{Tab}") 'can't call private after update events from another procedure, this or have to write public function to call private procedure.
'Click Edit button to edit existing record
SendKeys ("{Enter}") 'does not seem to do anything
'hitting enter after code runs, fires click event[/red]
End With
Case Else
frm.Controls(strControlName) = varKey
End Select
Set frm = Nothing
End Sub
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Access 2010