I'm trying to automate a process through a Citrix connection. The .AppActivate works fine and the .sendkeys works with letters, numbers, and symbols, but not control keystrokes like enter or tab ({ENTER}, {TAB}). It could be as simple as "Citrix doesn't observe control keystrokes issued by objShell," but am hoping this is not the case.
Does anyone have input?
Does anyone have input?
set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
objShell.AppActivate ("Ancillary Modifier Conversation")
objShell.sendKeys "a" 'works
objShell.sendKeys "{TAB}" 'does not works
objShell.sendKeys "7" 'works
objShell.sendKeys "{ENTER}" 'does not works
objShell.sendKeys "!" 'works