I have an ASP page that looks up data from an Access database and displays it on screen.
I wish to be able to offer the user the option to save this data as an Excel spreadsheet.
I have set up the Export to Excel using OWC11, but I am having trouble transfering some variables from the original ASP page into the OWC11 spreadshhet object / ASP page that makes the XML data to export as an XLS.
I have four variables that need to be transfered. A customer number, a start date, an end date and a save as name.
Does anyone now how to send variable data to an OWC object.
I need to 'post' the data to this address through this object.
Any assistance you can offer would be most welcomed thanks.
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager
I have an ASP page that looks up data from an Access database and displays it on screen.
I wish to be able to offer the user the option to save this data as an Excel spreadsheet.
I have set up the Export to Excel using OWC11, but I am having trouble transfering some variables from the original ASP page into the OWC11 spreadshhet object / ASP page that makes the XML data to export as an XLS.
I have four variables that need to be transfered. A customer number, a start date, an end date and a save as name.
Does anyone now how to send variable data to an OWC object.
<object classid="clsid:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="Spreadsheet1">
<param name="XMLURL" value="groupstatsexport.asp">
I need to 'post' the data to this address through this object.
Any assistance you can offer would be most welcomed thanks.
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager