Good Day,
I am currently sending a message to a paging system through IE.Navigate process, this causes the IE window to pop up and return the Acknoledge message to the screen. During some discussion I was advised this can be accomplished through straight TCP with the IP open Port 80? this would return the message to me so I can log this is the database. I would appreciate any Ideas, and thank you in advance.
Dim ie As Object, strMessage As String, intPager as Integer
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strMessage = Forms!frmSend!txtMessage
ie.navigate " & intPager & "&type=2&msg=" & strMessage & "&baud=1&beep=1"
Do While ie.Busy And Not ie.ReadyState = 4
ie.Visible = True
MS Access 2007
I am currently sending a message to a paging system through IE.Navigate process, this causes the IE window to pop up and return the Acknoledge message to the screen. During some discussion I was advised this can be accomplished through straight TCP with the IP open Port 80? this would return the message to me so I can log this is the database. I would appreciate any Ideas, and thank you in advance.
Dim ie As Object, strMessage As String, intPager as Integer
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
strMessage = Forms!frmSend!txtMessage
ie.navigate " & intPager & "&type=2&msg=" & strMessage & "&baud=1&beep=1"
Do While ie.Busy And Not ie.ReadyState = 4
ie.Visible = True
MS Access 2007