I am really stuck. I am trying to post through a number of values (updates) into a database. I have them numbered in oder to pass them through to the next page using $loop.
$FORM_TEXT .= "<FORM NAME=\"ModifyAttributes\" \n";
$FORM_TEXT .= " ACTION=\"/cgi-bin/maintain_environment_attribute.cgi\" \n";
$FORM_TEXT .= " onSubmit=\"return confirmSubmit('Are you sure ?')\">\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"EnvironmentName\" VALUE=\"$EnvironmentName\">\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"AttributeGroup\" VALUE=\"$AttributeGroup\">\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<table border=\"10\" height=\"34\">\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<TR>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<TH ALIGN=\"CENTRE\">Attribute Key</TH>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<TH ALIGN=\"CENTRE\">Attribute Value</TH>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "</TR>\n";
$loop = 1;
while (@COLUMNS = $DBAttributes -> fetchrow ())
($Key, $Value )= @COLUMNS;
$FORM_TEXT .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"Key$loop\" VALUE=\"$Key\">";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<td width=\"20%\"height=\"25\">$Key</td>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<td width=\"50%\"height=\"25\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"Value$loop\" size=\"30\" value=\"$Value\"></td>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "</TR>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "</table>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<table>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<td width=\"15%\"height=\"25\"><input type=\"submit\" size=\"50\" value=\" Modify \" name=\"Modify\"></td>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<td width=\"15%\"height=\"25\"><input type=\"submit\" size=\"50\" value=\"Clear\" name=\"Clear\"></td>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "</table>\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "<INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"numberattr\" VALUE=\"$loop\">\n";
$FORM_TEXT .= "</FORM>\n";
BUT i doo not know how to get the database to pass it in as it will not recognise value$loop