Dear All,
Thank you for any support in advanced. I come here for help because our perl programmer has left and we are left with a script that we do not know how to add to or modify. He has created a html form that sends out email based on user imput (they enter the email address that the form
should be sent to... Anyway, We have modify the form to add some checkboxes (9 groups) that has a SMTP address associated to them - for example,
If I select checkbox 1 and 3 the form should be sent via email to and and so on, in addition to the smtp address that's entered in the input field.
checkbox 1 =
checkbox 2 =
checkbox3 =
below is the code from the html form....
<form name="Not_Out" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" class="maintext" bgcolor="#006699"> <b><font color="#FFFFFF">Select group(s)
to email ::</font></b></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User1">
Inttra All</font></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User2">
Integration & Operations </font></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User3 ">
EDI </font></td>
<p><font size="2">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="..:: SUBMIT ::.." class="buttons"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="..:: RESET ::.." class="buttons">
Perl script ""
**** We need to add the ability to email based on checkbox
selection from the html form to this Perl Script...If there
are any Perl expert that can interpret this script and make sense of it - Please help....We need it. ****************
# init default values
@Months= qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December); unshift @Months, "";
@Weekdays= qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
#$base_path = "./";
$error_loop = 0;
$browser_out = 0;
$cfg_file = "settings.cfg";
$cfg_form = "form.cfg";
$content_type = "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
$multi_separator = ", ";
use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw/:cgi/;
$ENV{'UPDATED'}= ' ';
$query = new CGI;
# default message
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET' and not $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
@lines = ReadFile2('Configuration File', $cfg_file);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(Referers)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "push \@$1, \"$2\";";}
elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "\$$1 = \"$2\";"; }
# we can inherit base path if drawn through several pages in page sequence
$base_path = $query->param('base_path').'/' if defined(($query->param('base_path')));
$base_path = $query->param('_base_path').'/' if defined(($query->param('_base_path')));
#NOT The following reads the form config. TMP var - "base_path" still remains
#NOT Say GoodBye to form hidden fields![Smile :) :)]()
@lines=ReadFile2('Form Configuration File', $base_path . $cfg_form);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(attachments_path)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{eval "\$$1 = \"$2\";";}
if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "\$FORM{$1} = \"$2\";";}
$attachments_path=$base_path . $attachments_path;
# let's party
$mail_format="plain" if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}=~/(\/\/|\.)aol\.com/);
$mail_format="plain" if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}=~/(\/|\.)not/);
$FORM{'_format_decimals'} = "0" unless ($FORM{'_format_decimals'});
$FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'} = "0" unless ($FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'});
$date_format = '' unless defined($date_format);
$date = $date_format;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time + $FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'}*3600);
$mon++; $year+=1900; $syear="0".($year-2000);
$mday="0".$mday if length($mday)<2 ;
.$mon; # "0" schreiben oder nicht?
$ENV{'DATE_GMT'} = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s GMT%+d",$hour,$min,$sec,$date,$FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'});
srand(time ^ $$);
$rnd1 = sprintf("%04d", int(rand 10000));
$rnd2 = sprintf("%04d", int(rand 10000));
$FORM{'unique_reference_number'} = "$year$mon$mday-$rnd1-$rnd2" unless ($FORM{'unique_reference_number'});
if (@missing_values or @bad_emails or @only_digits or @only_words) { Error('evil values') }
foreach $key (keys %FORM)
$FORM{$key} =~s/\0//g;
$FORM{$key} =~s/\"(\s|\.|\)|\Z)/»$1/g;
$FORM{$key} =~s/(\A|\s|\.|\()\"/$1«/g;
#NOT Page number
$pn=$FORM{'page_no'}; $pn++;
# start_email is hidden field in the form which email has to been sent after
if ($key =~ /^_send_email/)
if (!defined($FORM{"_browser_out".$pn})) {
@lines = ReadFile('Email Template',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
@lines = ParseEmail(@lines);
if ($mailserver ne '') {SendMailBySmtp(@lines);} else {SendMail(@lines);}
# BrowserOut("Mail ($FORM{$key}) was sent OK!<br>"
elsif ($key =~ /^_out_file/)
if (!defined($FORM{"_browser_out".$pn})) {
@lines = ReadFile('Log File',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
LogFile('LogFile Template',@lines);
elsif ($key =~ /^_browser_out$FORM{page_no}$/ and $browser_out < 2)
#NOT Loading template:
@lines = ReadFile('Browser Template', $FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
#NOT Appending POST variables as hidden fields
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line=~/(<\/form>)/) {
foreach $k (keys %FORM) {
if ($k =~ /^page_no/) {$v++;}
$hfields .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$v.'">'."\n";
if (!defined($FORM{page_no})) {$hfields .= '<input type="hidden" name="page_no" value="1">'."\n";}
elsif ($key =~ /^_redirect/ and $browser_out < 2)
print "Location: $FORM{$key}\n\n";
unless ($browser_out) {
@msg = (<DATA>);
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "Submission Successful";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = "Your submission was successful. Thank you.";
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
opendir(DIR, $attachments_path) || exit(0);
@files_list = grep { /^\d{8}_(.*)_\._file$/ && -f "$attachments_path$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach $attachment_file (@files_list) {
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($attachments_path.$attachment_file);
if (time() >= $mtime + $attachments_ttl) {
### Subroutines ###
sub round
$value = shift @_;
$round_dec = shift @_;
$round_dec = $FORM{'_format_decimals'} if ($round_dec eq ""
return sprintf("%.".$round_dec."f", $value);
sub BrowserOut
print "$content_type@_\n";
sub CheckRef
my ($valid_referer, @terms);
if ((@Referers) and ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'})) {
foreach $referer (@Referers) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|http.*?://$referer|i) {
} else {
unless ($valid_referer) {
@terms = split(/\//,$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'});
Error ('Bad Referer',
"'$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}' is not authorised to use this script. If you want them to be able to,
you should add '$terms[2]' to the referer list."
sub Error
my $title = shift @_;
my $msg = shift @_;
my @error;
if ($title eq 'evil values') {
my $val;
if (@missing_values) {
$msg = qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@missing_values) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@bad_emails) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in with valid email addresses before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@bad_emails) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_digits) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with digits (0-9) and decimal point before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@only_digits) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_dig_and_dolar) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with digits (0-9) a decimal point, or a dollar sign before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@only_dig_and_dolar) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_words) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with word characters (A-Z, 0-9) before successful submission:</p>\n<ol type="i">\n|;
foreach $val (@only_words) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol>\n";
$title = 'Error - Incorrect Values';
$msg .= qq|<p>Please go back and fill in the fields accordingly.</p>\n|;
if ($FORM{'_error_url'}) {
print "Location: $FORM{'_error_url'}\n\n"
} elsif ($FORM{'_error_path'} and $error_loop < 2) {
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = $title;
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = $msg;
@error = ReadFile('Error Template',$FORM{'_error_path'});
@error = ParseText(@error);
} else {
@error = (<DATA>);
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = $title;
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = $msg;
@error = ParseText(@error);
sub LogFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
# $file =~ s#\.\./##g;
# $file =~ s/[^\w-\.]//g;
$file = $base_path . $file;
or Error('File Access Error',"An error occurred when trying to append to the $msg ($file): $!"
if (!defined($ENV{'COMSPEC'})) { # flock ain't needed on Windows !NT based systems
flock(FILE,2) or Error('File Lock Error',"An error occured when locking the $msg ($file): $!."
print FILE @_;
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
sub ReadFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
# $file =~ s#\.\./##g;
# $file =~ s/[^\w-\.]//g;
$file = $base_path . $file;
open(FILE, "$file"
or Error('File Access Error',"An error occurred when opening the $msg ($file): $!."
my @lines = (<FILE>);
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
return @lines;
sub ReadFile2
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
open(FILE, "$file"
or Error('File Access Error',"An error occurred when opening the $msg ($file): $!."
my @lines = (<FILE>);
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
return @lines;
sub ParseForm
my ($key, $prefs, $buffer, $file, $local_file, $value, $name, $file_name);
@names = $query->param;
foreach $name (@names)
$value = $query->param($name);
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($bytesread = read($value, $buffer, 1024)) {
$file_name = $value;
if ($file_name =~ /([^\/\\:]*)$/) {
$file_name = $1;
my $t_size = 0;
srand(time ^ $$);
my $rnd = sprintf("%08d", int(rand 100000000));
$local_file = $attachments_path . $rnd . "_" . $file_name . "_._file";
$FORM{$name."_uploaded"} = $rnd . "_" . $file_name . "_._file";
open (OUTFILE,">$local_file"
or Error('File Access Error',"An error occurred when trying to save attachments ($local_file): $!"
binmode OUTFILE;
$t_size = length($buffer);
print OUTFILE $buffer;
while ($bytesread = read($value, $buffer, 1024)) {
$t_size += length($buffer);
print OUTFILE $buffer;
close OUTFILE;
my $f_size = 1024 * $max_file_size;
if($t_size > $f_size && $f_size != 0) {
Error("Uploading file is too large. It must to be less than $max_file_size KB."
} else {
if ($name =~ /^([rs]*[edwmcn]?[rs]*)_/) {
($prefs, $key) = split /_/, $name, 2;
if ($prefs =~ /s/i and $value) {
$value =~ s/^(\s)*//;
$value =~ s/(\s)*$//;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /m/i and $value) {
$multi_separator = $FORM{'_multi_separator'} if defined($FORM{'_multi_separator'});
@value = $query->param($name);
$value = join($multi_separator,@value);
$value =~ s/^default$multi_separator|^default//ig;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /n/i and $value) {
$value =~ s/\n//ig;
$value =~ s/\r//ig;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /r/i and $value eq ""![Wink ;) ;)]()
{ push @missing_values, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /e/i and $value and isEmailBad($value))
{ push @bad_emails, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /d/i and $value and !($value =~ /^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$/))
{ push @only_digits, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /c/i and $value and !($value =~ /^(\$?\d+\$?|\$?\d+\.\d+\$?)$/))
{ push @only_dig_and_dolar, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /w/i and $value and $value =~ /\W/)
{ push @only_words, $key }
sub ParseText
my ($line, $key, $value, $sub);
foreach $line (@_) {
while (($key => $value) = each %FORM)
{ $line =~ s/\[$key\]/$value/ig }
while (($key => $value) = each %ENV)
{ $line =~ s/\[\%$key\]/$value/ig }
$line =~ s/\x7e(\w+)((\[)(\d)(\]))?/eval "\$$1$3$4$5"/e;
#remove blank vars
# $line =~ s/\[[^<](.)*?[^>]\]//g;
foreach $line (@_) {
while ($line =~ /\[<((.)*?)>\]/) {
$sub = $1;
if ($sub !~ /^([\d\+\*\/\-%\.,x<>\(\)\s]|round|ifcond)*$/s) {
Error("Error in expression", $sub);
$sub = eval $sub;
$line =~ s/\[<(.)*?>\]/$sub/s
return @_;
sub ifcond
$cond = shift @_;
$res1 = shift @_;
$res2 = shift @_;
if($cond) {
return sprintf("%s", $res1);
} else {
return sprintf("%s", $res2);
sub ParseEmail
my ($line, $attachment_file, $add2email, $real_name, @email);
$add2email = "";
foreach $line (@_)
if (($line =~ /^Subject: (.+)\n$/i) and ($mail_format eq "html"
) {
$sline = $line."Content-Type: text\/html\n";
$line =~ s/^Subject: (.+)\n$/$sline/i;
if ($line =~ /^Attachment: (.+)$/i)
my @files = split (/,/, $1);
foreach $attachment_file (@files)
$attachment_file =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g;
if ($attachment_file =~ /([^\/\\:]*)$/)
$attachment_file = $1;
if ($attachment_file =~ /^\d{8}_(.*)_\._file$/)
{$real_name = $1;}
else {$real_name = $attachment_file;}
if (-e $attachments_path . $attachment_file)
$add2email .= "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\n";
$add2email .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\n";
$add2email .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$real_name\"\n\n";
open(FILE, $attachments_path . $attachment_file) or Error("Error while opening attchment file", "\'$attachments_path$attachment_file\'"
binmode FILE;
while (read(FILE, my $buf, 60*57))
$add2email .= encode_base64($buf);
close FILE;
push @email, "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
push @email, "Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY=\"-2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\"\n\n";
push @email, " This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,\n";
push @email, " while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.\n";
push @email, " Send mail to mime\ for more info.\n\n";
push @email, "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\n";
} else {
# Strip tags if mail format is plain, skipping service info lines
$line=~s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gs if ($mail_format eq "plain" && $line !~ /^(From|To|Cc|Bcc):/i);
push @email, $line;
if ($add2email)
push @email, "\n$add2email";
push @email, "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283--\n";
return @email;
sub isEmailBad
$value = shift @_;
return (($value =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/) or
($value !~ /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/));
sub SendMailBySmtp
my($line, $var_name, @message);
unless ($smtp_used) {
eval "use Net::SMTP";
if ($@) {
Error('Net::SMTP init error', "Can't load Net::SMTP module"
return 0;
$smtp_used = 1;
@message = @_;
foreach $line (@message)
if ($line =~ /^(to|from|b?cc): (.+)$/i)
$mail_param = $1;
$mail_val = $2;
if ($mail_val =~ /<(.+)>/)
$mail_val = $1;
$var_name = "mail_".lc($mail_param);
# $$var_name = $mail_val;
@$var_name = split(/\x2c(\s*)?/,$mail_val);
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailserver);
foreach $mt (@mail_to) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
foreach $mt (@mail_cc) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
foreach $mt (@mail_bcc) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
sub SendMail
if ($mail_cmd ne ""
or Error('Mailer Open Error',"An error occurred when trying to open the mailer ($mail_cmd): $!."
print MAIL @_;
# print "\n\n",@_;
close(MAIL) or Error('Mail Send Error',"An error occurred when sending the email: $?. Please check the email's headers."
sub encode_base64
my $res = "";
pos($_[0]) = 0;
while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
$res .= substr(pack('u', $1), 1);
$res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;
my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
$res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
$res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1\n/g;
return $res;
sub ManagePage
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "eMail Form Script Administrative Section";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = "";
open (CFILE, "<cform.html"
or Error('Config Form Open Error',"An error occurred when opening config form (cform.html): $!. Please check paths and file."
@msg = <CFILE>;
close (CFILE) or Error('Config Form Close Error','An error occured while closing the file (cform.html): $!.');
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
sub SavePage {
@lines = ReadFile2('Configuration File', $cfg_file);
open (FILE, ">$cfg_file"
or Error('Config Form Open Error',"An error occurred when opening config file($cfg_file): $!. Please check paths and file permissions (Must be 766)."
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(Referers)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
$var_name=$1; $var_value=$2;
$line=~s/$var_value/$FORM{$var_name.$mas}/ if defined($FORM{$var_name.$mas});
#print "$var_name === $FORM{$var_name.$mas}<br>";
elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
$var_name=$1; $var_value=$2;
$line=~s/$var_value/$FORM{$var_name}/ if defined($FORM{$var_name});
print FILE $line;
close (FILE) or Error('Config Form Close Error','An error occured while closing the file ($cfg_file): $!.');
sub StartPage {
$ENV{'UPDATED'} = "" unless ($ENV{'UPDATED'});
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "INTTRA - Outage Notification Form";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = qq~The latest version of this script and documentation is available from. <form action=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} method=POST><p align=center>To access configuration, please enter password: <br>
<input type=password name="pass09123" value="" style="border: 1 outset rgb(50,50,50);">
<input type="Submit" value=" ..:: OK ::.. " style="font: bold 8pt Verdana; color: #FFFFFF;background-color: #666699"></form></p>
@msg = (<DATA>);
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="navy" vlink="navy" alink="red"
style="font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 8;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"
style="font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12;">
<td><h2 align="center">[%OUT_TITLE]</h2>
<p align="center">[%OUT_MSG]</p>
Thank you for any support in advanced. I come here for help because our perl programmer has left and we are left with a script that we do not know how to add to or modify. He has created a html form that sends out email based on user imput (they enter the email address that the form
should be sent to... Anyway, We have modify the form to add some checkboxes (9 groups) that has a SMTP address associated to them - for example,
If I select checkbox 1 and 3 the form should be sent via email to and and so on, in addition to the smtp address that's entered in the input field.
checkbox 1 =
checkbox 2 =
checkbox3 =
below is the code from the html form....
<form name="Not_Out" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" class="maintext" bgcolor="#006699"> <b><font color="#FFFFFF">Select group(s)
to email ::</font></b></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User1">
Inttra All</font></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User2">
Integration & Operations </font></td>
<td> <font size="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="m_EmailGroups" value="User3 ">
EDI </font></td>
<p><font size="2">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="..:: SUBMIT ::.." class="buttons"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="..:: RESET ::.." class="buttons">
Perl script ""
**** We need to add the ability to email based on checkbox
selection from the html form to this Perl Script...If there
are any Perl expert that can interpret this script and make sense of it - Please help....We need it. ****************
# init default values
@Months= qw(January February March April May June July August September October November December); unshift @Months, "";
@Weekdays= qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
#$base_path = "./";
$error_loop = 0;
$browser_out = 0;
$cfg_file = "settings.cfg";
$cfg_form = "form.cfg";
$content_type = "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
$multi_separator = ", ";
use CGI::Carp qw (fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw/:cgi/;
$ENV{'UPDATED'}= ' ';
$query = new CGI;
# default message
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET' and not $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
@lines = ReadFile2('Configuration File', $cfg_file);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(Referers)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "push \@$1, \"$2\";";}
elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "\$$1 = \"$2\";"; }
# we can inherit base path if drawn through several pages in page sequence
$base_path = $query->param('base_path').'/' if defined(($query->param('base_path')));
$base_path = $query->param('_base_path').'/' if defined(($query->param('_base_path')));
#NOT The following reads the form config. TMP var - "base_path" still remains
#NOT Say GoodBye to form hidden fields
@lines=ReadFile2('Form Configuration File', $base_path . $cfg_form);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(attachments_path)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{eval "\$$1 = \"$2\";";}
if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
{ eval "\$FORM{$1} = \"$2\";";}
$attachments_path=$base_path . $attachments_path;
# let's party
$mail_format="plain" if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}=~/(\/\/|\.)aol\.com/);
$mail_format="plain" if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}=~/(\/|\.)not/);
$FORM{'_format_decimals'} = "0" unless ($FORM{'_format_decimals'});
$FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'} = "0" unless ($FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'});
$date_format = '' unless defined($date_format);
$date = $date_format;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time + $FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'}*3600);
$mon++; $year+=1900; $syear="0".($year-2000);
$mday="0".$mday if length($mday)<2 ;
$ENV{'DATE_GMT'} = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s GMT%+d",$hour,$min,$sec,$date,$FORM{'GMT_OFFSET'});
srand(time ^ $$);
$rnd1 = sprintf("%04d", int(rand 10000));
$rnd2 = sprintf("%04d", int(rand 10000));
$FORM{'unique_reference_number'} = "$year$mon$mday-$rnd1-$rnd2" unless ($FORM{'unique_reference_number'});
if (@missing_values or @bad_emails or @only_digits or @only_words) { Error('evil values') }
foreach $key (keys %FORM)
$FORM{$key} =~s/\0//g;
$FORM{$key} =~s/\"(\s|\.|\)|\Z)/»$1/g;
$FORM{$key} =~s/(\A|\s|\.|\()\"/$1«/g;
#NOT Page number
$pn=$FORM{'page_no'}; $pn++;
# start_email is hidden field in the form which email has to been sent after
if ($key =~ /^_send_email/)
if (!defined($FORM{"_browser_out".$pn})) {
@lines = ReadFile('Email Template',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
@lines = ParseEmail(@lines);
if ($mailserver ne '') {SendMailBySmtp(@lines);} else {SendMail(@lines);}
# BrowserOut("Mail ($FORM{$key}) was sent OK!<br>"
elsif ($key =~ /^_out_file/)
if (!defined($FORM{"_browser_out".$pn})) {
@lines = ReadFile('Log File',$FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
LogFile('LogFile Template',@lines);
elsif ($key =~ /^_browser_out$FORM{page_no}$/ and $browser_out < 2)
#NOT Loading template:
@lines = ReadFile('Browser Template', $FORM{$key});
@lines = ParseText(@lines);
#NOT Appending POST variables as hidden fields
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line=~/(<\/form>)/) {
foreach $k (keys %FORM) {
if ($k =~ /^page_no/) {$v++;}
$hfields .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$k.'" value="'.$v.'">'."\n";
if (!defined($FORM{page_no})) {$hfields .= '<input type="hidden" name="page_no" value="1">'."\n";}
elsif ($key =~ /^_redirect/ and $browser_out < 2)
print "Location: $FORM{$key}\n\n";
unless ($browser_out) {
@msg = (<DATA>);
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "Submission Successful";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = "Your submission was successful. Thank you.";
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
opendir(DIR, $attachments_path) || exit(0);
@files_list = grep { /^\d{8}_(.*)_\._file$/ && -f "$attachments_path$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach $attachment_file (@files_list) {
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($attachments_path.$attachment_file);
if (time() >= $mtime + $attachments_ttl) {
### Subroutines ###
sub round
$value = shift @_;
$round_dec = shift @_;
$round_dec = $FORM{'_format_decimals'} if ($round_dec eq ""
return sprintf("%.".$round_dec."f", $value);
sub BrowserOut
print "$content_type@_\n";
sub CheckRef
my ($valid_referer, @terms);
if ((@Referers) and ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'})) {
foreach $referer (@Referers) {
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|http.*?://$referer|i) {
} else {
unless ($valid_referer) {
@terms = split(/\//,$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'});
Error ('Bad Referer',
"'$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}' is not authorised to use this script. If you want them to be able to,
you should add '$terms[2]' to the referer list."
sub Error
my $title = shift @_;
my $msg = shift @_;
my @error;
if ($title eq 'evil values') {
my $val;
if (@missing_values) {
$msg = qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@missing_values) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@bad_emails) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in with valid email addresses before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@bad_emails) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_digits) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with digits (0-9) and decimal point before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@only_digits) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_dig_and_dolar) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with digits (0-9) a decimal point, or a dollar sign before successful submission:</p>\n<table border=0><tr><td><ol>\n|;
foreach $val (@only_dig_and_dolar) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol></td></tr></table>\n";
if (@only_words) {
$msg .= qq|<p>The following field(s) are required to be filled in only with word characters (A-Z, 0-9) before successful submission:</p>\n<ol type="i">\n|;
foreach $val (@only_words) { $msg .= "<li>$val\n" }
$msg .= "</ol>\n";
$title = 'Error - Incorrect Values';
$msg .= qq|<p>Please go back and fill in the fields accordingly.</p>\n|;
if ($FORM{'_error_url'}) {
print "Location: $FORM{'_error_url'}\n\n"
} elsif ($FORM{'_error_path'} and $error_loop < 2) {
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = $title;
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = $msg;
@error = ReadFile('Error Template',$FORM{'_error_path'});
@error = ParseText(@error);
} else {
@error = (<DATA>);
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = $title;
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = $msg;
@error = ParseText(@error);
sub LogFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
# $file =~ s#\.\./##g;
# $file =~ s/[^\w-\.]//g;
$file = $base_path . $file;
if (!defined($ENV{'COMSPEC'})) { # flock ain't needed on Windows !NT based systems
flock(FILE,2) or Error('File Lock Error',"An error occured when locking the $msg ($file): $!."
print FILE @_;
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
sub ReadFile
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
# $file =~ s#\.\./##g;
# $file =~ s/[^\w-\.]//g;
$file = $base_path . $file;
open(FILE, "$file"
my @lines = (<FILE>);
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
return @lines;
sub ReadFile2
my $msg = shift @_;
my $file = shift @_;
$file =~ s#^(\s)#./$1#;
open(FILE, "$file"
my @lines = (<FILE>);
close(FILE) or Error('File Close Error',"An error occurred when close the $msg ($file): $!."
return @lines;
sub ParseForm
my ($key, $prefs, $buffer, $file, $local_file, $value, $name, $file_name);
@names = $query->param;
foreach $name (@names)
$value = $query->param($name);
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($bytesread = read($value, $buffer, 1024)) {
$file_name = $value;
if ($file_name =~ /([^\/\\:]*)$/) {
$file_name = $1;
my $t_size = 0;
srand(time ^ $$);
my $rnd = sprintf("%08d", int(rand 100000000));
$local_file = $attachments_path . $rnd . "_" . $file_name . "_._file";
$FORM{$name."_uploaded"} = $rnd . "_" . $file_name . "_._file";
open (OUTFILE,">$local_file"
binmode OUTFILE;
$t_size = length($buffer);
print OUTFILE $buffer;
while ($bytesread = read($value, $buffer, 1024)) {
$t_size += length($buffer);
print OUTFILE $buffer;
close OUTFILE;
my $f_size = 1024 * $max_file_size;
if($t_size > $f_size && $f_size != 0) {
Error("Uploading file is too large. It must to be less than $max_file_size KB."
} else {
if ($name =~ /^([rs]*[edwmcn]?[rs]*)_/) {
($prefs, $key) = split /_/, $name, 2;
if ($prefs =~ /s/i and $value) {
$value =~ s/^(\s)*//;
$value =~ s/(\s)*$//;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /m/i and $value) {
$multi_separator = $FORM{'_multi_separator'} if defined($FORM{'_multi_separator'});
@value = $query->param($name);
$value = join($multi_separator,@value);
$value =~ s/^default$multi_separator|^default//ig;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /n/i and $value) {
$value =~ s/\n//ig;
$value =~ s/\r//ig;
$FORM{$name} = $value;
if ($prefs =~ /r/i and $value eq ""
{ push @missing_values, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /e/i and $value and isEmailBad($value))
{ push @bad_emails, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /d/i and $value and !($value =~ /^(\d+|\d+\.\d+)$/))
{ push @only_digits, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /c/i and $value and !($value =~ /^(\$?\d+\$?|\$?\d+\.\d+\$?)$/))
{ push @only_dig_and_dolar, $key }
if ($prefs =~ /w/i and $value and $value =~ /\W/)
{ push @only_words, $key }
sub ParseText
my ($line, $key, $value, $sub);
foreach $line (@_) {
while (($key => $value) = each %FORM)
{ $line =~ s/\[$key\]/$value/ig }
while (($key => $value) = each %ENV)
{ $line =~ s/\[\%$key\]/$value/ig }
$line =~ s/\x7e(\w+)((\[)(\d)(\]))?/eval "\$$1$3$4$5"/e;
#remove blank vars
# $line =~ s/\[[^<](.)*?[^>]\]//g;
foreach $line (@_) {
while ($line =~ /\[<((.)*?)>\]/) {
$sub = $1;
if ($sub !~ /^([\d\+\*\/\-%\.,x<>\(\)\s]|round|ifcond)*$/s) {
Error("Error in expression", $sub);
$sub = eval $sub;
$line =~ s/\[<(.)*?>\]/$sub/s
return @_;
sub ifcond
$cond = shift @_;
$res1 = shift @_;
$res2 = shift @_;
if($cond) {
return sprintf("%s", $res1);
} else {
return sprintf("%s", $res2);
sub ParseEmail
my ($line, $attachment_file, $add2email, $real_name, @email);
$add2email = "";
foreach $line (@_)
if (($line =~ /^Subject: (.+)\n$/i) and ($mail_format eq "html"
$sline = $line."Content-Type: text\/html\n";
$line =~ s/^Subject: (.+)\n$/$sline/i;
if ($line =~ /^Attachment: (.+)$/i)
my @files = split (/,/, $1);
foreach $attachment_file (@files)
$attachment_file =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g;
if ($attachment_file =~ /([^\/\\:]*)$/)
$attachment_file = $1;
if ($attachment_file =~ /^\d{8}_(.*)_\._file$/)
{$real_name = $1;}
else {$real_name = $attachment_file;}
if (-e $attachments_path . $attachment_file)
$add2email .= "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\n";
$add2email .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64\n";
$add2email .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$real_name\"\n\n";
open(FILE, $attachments_path . $attachment_file) or Error("Error while opening attchment file", "\'$attachments_path$attachment_file\'"
binmode FILE;
while (read(FILE, my $buf, 60*57))
$add2email .= encode_base64($buf);
close FILE;
push @email, "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
push @email, "Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY=\"-2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\"\n\n";
push @email, " This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,\n";
push @email, " while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.\n";
push @email, " Send mail to mime\ for more info.\n\n";
push @email, "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283\n";
} else {
# Strip tags if mail format is plain, skipping service info lines
$line=~s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gs if ($mail_format eq "plain" && $line !~ /^(From|To|Cc|Bcc):/i);
push @email, $line;
if ($add2email)
push @email, "\n$add2email";
push @email, "---2099962873-1165733044-991133573=:5283--\n";
return @email;
sub isEmailBad
$value = shift @_;
return (($value =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/) or
($value !~ /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/));
sub SendMailBySmtp
my($line, $var_name, @message);
unless ($smtp_used) {
eval "use Net::SMTP";
if ($@) {
Error('Net::SMTP init error', "Can't load Net::SMTP module"
return 0;
$smtp_used = 1;
@message = @_;
foreach $line (@message)
if ($line =~ /^(to|from|b?cc): (.+)$/i)
$mail_param = $1;
$mail_val = $2;
if ($mail_val =~ /<(.+)>/)
$mail_val = $1;
$var_name = "mail_".lc($mail_param);
# $$var_name = $mail_val;
@$var_name = split(/\x2c(\s*)?/,$mail_val);
$smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailserver);
foreach $mt (@mail_to) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
foreach $mt (@mail_cc) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
foreach $mt (@mail_bcc) {$smtp->recipient($mt);}
sub SendMail
if ($mail_cmd ne ""
print MAIL @_;
# print "\n\n",@_;
close(MAIL) or Error('Mail Send Error',"An error occurred when sending the email: $?. Please check the email's headers."
sub encode_base64
my $res = "";
pos($_[0]) = 0;
while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
$res .= substr(pack('u', $1), 1);
$res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;
my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
$res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
$res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1\n/g;
return $res;
sub ManagePage
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "eMail Form Script Administrative Section";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = "";
open (CFILE, "<cform.html"
@msg = <CFILE>;
close (CFILE) or Error('Config Form Close Error','An error occured while closing the file (cform.html): $!.');
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
sub SavePage {
@lines = ReadFile2('Configuration File', $cfg_file);
open (FILE, ">$cfg_file"
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^(Referers)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
$var_name=$1; $var_value=$2;
$line=~s/$var_value/$FORM{$var_name.$mas}/ if defined($FORM{$var_name.$mas});
#print "$var_name === $FORM{$var_name.$mas}<br>";
elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/)
$var_name=$1; $var_value=$2;
$line=~s/$var_value/$FORM{$var_name}/ if defined($FORM{$var_name});
print FILE $line;
close (FILE) or Error('Config Form Close Error','An error occured while closing the file ($cfg_file): $!.');
sub StartPage {
$ENV{'UPDATED'} = "" unless ($ENV{'UPDATED'});
$ENV{'OUT_TITLE'} = "INTTRA - Outage Notification Form";
$ENV{'OUT_MSG'} = qq~The latest version of this script and documentation is available from. <form action=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} method=POST><p align=center>To access configuration, please enter password: <br>
<input type=password name="pass09123" value="" style="border: 1 outset rgb(50,50,50);">
<input type="Submit" value=" ..:: OK ::.. " style="font: bold 8pt Verdana; color: #FFFFFF;background-color: #666699"></form></p>
@msg = (<DATA>);
@msg = ParseText(@msg);
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="navy" vlink="navy" alink="red"
style="font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 8;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500"
style="font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12;">
<td><h2 align="center">[%OUT_TITLE]</h2>
<p align="center">[%OUT_MSG]</p>