I've been looking for ages for some code samples.
I'm part of the way into planning a custom shopping cart solution for my website. Customers need to be able to select a range of sizes and finishes for my photographs determined by fields in my database. My shipping calculations will also be quite complex and none of it can be reasonably done cirectly in the paypal cart.
I'm sure with the help of some tutorials I can get a custom cart working pretty quickly but I'm unsure how I pass the items from my cart to a paypal one for final payment.
Ideally I'd like to find a way to loop through the items in my cart and add them to a paypal one when the user clicks checkout. I'd also need to push over my shipping price once calculated. I'd like it to appear itemised in paypal so it looks better to the client and is easier for me to complete the orders.
Does anyone have ideas of where to start with this. It seems simple in principle but I can't figure it out.
Steve G (MCSE / MCSA:Messaging)
I'm part of the way into planning a custom shopping cart solution for my website. Customers need to be able to select a range of sizes and finishes for my photographs determined by fields in my database. My shipping calculations will also be quite complex and none of it can be reasonably done cirectly in the paypal cart.
I'm sure with the help of some tutorials I can get a custom cart working pretty quickly but I'm unsure how I pass the items from my cart to a paypal one for final payment.
Ideally I'd like to find a way to loop through the items in my cart and add them to a paypal one when the user clicks checkout. I'd also need to push over my shipping price once calculated. I'd like it to appear itemised in paypal so it looks better to the client and is easier for me to complete the orders.
Does anyone have ideas of where to start with this. It seems simple in principle but I can't figure it out.
Steve G (MCSE / MCSA:Messaging)