Well, I finally found a printer, in my area who will take PDF files.
I was hoping that some one could steer me to a document that discusses the process of setting up the files so that there will not be any problems at their end when they receive them. I haven’t used PDF files a lot in the past so I’m not sure what settings to use in Distiller.
If anyone has any suggestions of their own, I would appreciate that as well.
I’m creating the job in PageMaker on a PC, and using the version of Distiller that came with PageMaker.
I was hoping that some one could steer me to a document that discusses the process of setting up the files so that there will not be any problems at their end when they receive them. I haven’t used PDF files a lot in the past so I’m not sure what settings to use in Distiller.
If anyone has any suggestions of their own, I would appreciate that as well.
I’m creating the job in PageMaker on a PC, and using the version of Distiller that came with PageMaker.