I've taken a sendAndLoad() example that was written in php, and re-wrote it in coldfusion. The example works in php, but not in coldfusion.
Here is the php code:
Here is my ColdFusion Code:
I think I know enough about php to translate this into coldfusion, and both output the identical string. Is there something additional I need to do with coldfusion either on the CF page, or in flash, ..etc?
I'm stumped.
Here is the php code:
$maindir = "MagazineJPGs";
$mydir = opendir($maindir);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($mydir))){
$fileList[] = $file;
$flash = "theFiles=";
foreach($fileList as $file){
$flash .= urlencode($file)."#";
echo $flash;
Here is my ColdFusion Code:
<cfset maindir = "E:\SomePath\MagazineJPGs">
<cfdirectory directory=#maindir# name="myDir" sort="name desc">
<cfset flash="theFiles=">
<cfloop query="myDir">
<cfset flash=flash&#name#&"##">
I think I know enough about php to translate this into coldfusion, and both output the identical string. Is there something additional I need to do with coldfusion either on the CF page, or in flash, ..etc?
I'm stumped.