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send errors to a file within a batch file 1

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Jun 13, 2002
I am running this batch file and it works great to copy a file to all my networked pc using a text file with the system names within the for loop. If the machines are turned on it does the copy but if they are off it wont copy and I dont know which ones didnt get the file.

Here is my batch file

@echo on
for /F %%I in (c:\pcnames.txt) do copy c:\time.bat \\%%I\c$\Docume~1\AllUse~1\StartM~1\Programs\Startup

How can I log all the missed ones to a text file?
@echo off
for /F %%I in (xx) do if exist %%I (
copy c:\time.bat \\%%I\c$\Docume~1\AllUse~1\StartM~1\Programs\Startup > nul
) else (
echo %%I not found > log_file)

<< JOC >>
You really know your stuff. Thanks for the second time in a week.
Nah - a lot of it is taken from batch files written by a guy who used to work here long ago. Most of it is fairly simple stuff though - all I did this time was add an IF statement...
<< JOC >>
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