In my ASP application, i need to send mail to the registered person.
i am not able to receive mail to my other id's (Like ....> yahoo id or hotmail id ). But i am getting mail to my company id
Please advise me
Here is the sample code which i am using.
DIM strEmail, strName, strCompany, strAddress, strCity, strState
DIM strZipcode, strPhone, strFax, mail, reply, objMail
strName = request.form("Name")
strCompany = request.form("Company")
strEmail = request.form("Email")
strAddress = request.form("Company Address")
strCity = request.form("City")
strState = request.form("State")
strZipcode = request.form("Zipcode")
strPhone = request.form("Phone")
strFax = request.form("Fax")
mail = ""
reply = request.form("Email")
Response.Write reply
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Response.Write "Hello"
objMail.From = reply
objMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
objMail.To = mail
objMail.Body = "Name:" & strName & "Company
objMail.Body = "Name: " & strName
Set objMail = nothing
i am not able to receive mail to my other id's (Like ....> yahoo id or hotmail id ). But i am getting mail to my company id
Please advise me
Here is the sample code which i am using.
DIM strEmail, strName, strCompany, strAddress, strCity, strState
DIM strZipcode, strPhone, strFax, mail, reply, objMail
strName = request.form("Name")
strCompany = request.form("Company")
strEmail = request.form("Email")
strAddress = request.form("Company Address")
strCity = request.form("City")
strState = request.form("State")
strZipcode = request.form("Zipcode")
strPhone = request.form("Phone")
strFax = request.form("Fax")
mail = ""
reply = request.form("Email")
Response.Write reply
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Response.Write "Hello"
objMail.From = reply
objMail.Subject = "Contact Form"
objMail.To = mail
objMail.Body = "Name:" & strName & "Company
objMail.Body = "Name: " & strName
Set objMail = nothing