Access 2003
When I click a button on my form I would like it to email to all recepients
that are in a query. Query is qLookupNotifyNewProj.
SELECT DISTINCT t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactEmail
FROM (tblVersion LEFT JOIN t41ContactsMSP ON tblVersion.UserID =
t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactUserID) LEFT JOIN t040Project ON t41ContactsMSP.
MSPContactID = t040Project.ContactPMID
WHERE (((tblVersion.NewProj)="Notify of New Project")) OR (((t040Project.
I have the same code to email another report using a similar Query and it
works fine.
SQL to the query that I can email with
SELECT DISTINCT t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactEmail
FROM tblVersion INNER JOIN t41ContactsMSP ON tblVersion.UserID =
WHERE (((tblVersion.NewProj)="Can Create New Project"));
I am getting error
'runtime error -2147217900 (80040e14) invalid SQL statement; expected Delete,
Insert, Procedure, Select or Update
Why does it work with one query and not the other? How can I fix this?
Here is my code.
'Verify email address is not blank then send email in acFormatSNP
If IsNull(DLookup("[MSPContactEmail]", "qLookupNotifyNewProj")) Then
MsgBox "Email address is blank, see database admin to add email," _
& vbCr & vbCr & " and try again to submit.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Email"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "New Project Notification has been sent.", vbOKOnly, "Notification
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strEmail As String
'runtime error -2147217900 (80040e14) invalid SQL statement; expected Delete,
Insert, Procedure, Select or Update
rs.Open "qLookupNotifyNewProj", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic,
adLockOptimistic 'Open ADO recordset with the name of the table or query
holding the email addresses
strEmail = "" ''Clear strEmail Variable
Do While Not rs.EOF
strEmail = strEmail & rs!MSPContactEmail & ";" ''Build email string...
MSPContactEmail is the name of the field in the table/query specified earlier
which holds the email address
'Send email using SendObject
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rEmailNewProjectNotify", acFormatSNP,
strEmail, , , "FYI Project Creation", _
"This new project has been created in the Project Information database (PIdb)
", False
'Close established references...clean up code
Set rs = Nothing
End If
Thank you for your help
When I click a button on my form I would like it to email to all recepients
that are in a query. Query is qLookupNotifyNewProj.
SELECT DISTINCT t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactEmail
FROM (tblVersion LEFT JOIN t41ContactsMSP ON tblVersion.UserID =
t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactUserID) LEFT JOIN t040Project ON t41ContactsMSP.
MSPContactID = t040Project.ContactPMID
WHERE (((tblVersion.NewProj)="Notify of New Project")) OR (((t040Project.
I have the same code to email another report using a similar Query and it
works fine.
SQL to the query that I can email with
SELECT DISTINCT t41ContactsMSP.MSPContactEmail
FROM tblVersion INNER JOIN t41ContactsMSP ON tblVersion.UserID =
WHERE (((tblVersion.NewProj)="Can Create New Project"));
I am getting error
'runtime error -2147217900 (80040e14) invalid SQL statement; expected Delete,
Insert, Procedure, Select or Update
Why does it work with one query and not the other? How can I fix this?
Here is my code.
'Verify email address is not blank then send email in acFormatSNP
If IsNull(DLookup("[MSPContactEmail]", "qLookupNotifyNewProj")) Then
MsgBox "Email address is blank, see database admin to add email," _
& vbCr & vbCr & " and try again to submit.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Email"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "New Project Notification has been sent.", vbOKOnly, "Notification
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strEmail As String
'runtime error -2147217900 (80040e14) invalid SQL statement; expected Delete,
Insert, Procedure, Select or Update
rs.Open "qLookupNotifyNewProj", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic,
adLockOptimistic 'Open ADO recordset with the name of the table or query
holding the email addresses
strEmail = "" ''Clear strEmail Variable
Do While Not rs.EOF
strEmail = strEmail & rs!MSPContactEmail & ";" ''Build email string...
MSPContactEmail is the name of the field in the table/query specified earlier
which holds the email address
'Send email using SendObject
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rEmailNewProjectNotify", acFormatSNP,
strEmail, , , "FYI Project Creation", _
"This new project has been created in the Project Information database (PIdb)
", False
'Close established references...clean up code
Set rs = Nothing
End If
Thank you for your help