I have an IP OFFICE 406 V2 running 4.2, is it possible to save the configuration (File/Save Configuration As) then send (File/Offline/Send Conf)it to a new IP Office R11.1?
You could , but I wouldn't advise it. You would be better off exporting everything you can and import it into the new IPO. Too many field changes between those versions.
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
From File> Import/Export> Export..., Settings are exported Binary Files or CSV Text Files.
I can see that CSV File Formats allow to experot only Configuration, User, Directory , Group ,Short Code , License. But Bianry Formats seems exporting everything. So do you suggest Export as Binary Format no CSV? and according to your experience, no problem of expote from 4.2 to 11.1 ??
I would do it with CSV. Binary would pose the same problems with the fields not matching up. Even the CSV may not be properly formatted. I would hope that when you try to import if R11 didn't like them it wouldn't recognize them for import.
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
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