Not sure why he wants to do this but our support supervisor would like to send voicemail to multiple users. Can this be done? I thought it could but spent the aft getting nowhere.
You can do it by using the send vm to email and putting everyone who needs it in a email group.
Or just give evryone access to the VM box and put a notification key on their phones. Issue will be who dletes it(maybe the one who listens and acts on the info?)
Don't take this too personally but for me we've reached the RTFM point. I will simply point out that there is a different process for using system distribution lists vs personal lists. I've also already mentioned how it can be done without lists at all
Happy hunting
What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
I don't have a manual available to me right now for the nupoint.
I am very confident what you are looking for is in the help files on the nupoint
Using System distribution lists requires you to enter prefix digits to designate that you are using a system distribution list rather than a personal distribution list or mailbox number.
I could tell you what I think it is but I really think you should look it up and be sure.
What's most important is that you realise ... There is no spoon.
Might also want to verify the necessary FCOS options re giving are set in the mailboxes FCOS. Have done this a number of times and its pretty simple. Create the distribution list and when you do a give it should be able to accept the list number. As kwbMitel says system lists and user lists are numbered different. System typically are 3 digits and user 2 ( i.e 001 to 999 and 01 to 99 ). Don't think you have the ability to give to a distribution list and thats why it is looking for a mailbox number.
I'd tell you a UDP joke but I'm afraid you won't get it. TCP jokes are the best because you always get them.
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