by words i assume you mean keywords? latest i heard was to seperate them with spaces only allowing the spider to view them as individual words or phrases eg. "green monkey" could be read as
green monkey
but remember you are only supposed to have a maximum of 200 characters including spaces for meta keywords after this some search engines will just ignore the rest or even ignore the lot....
Whoa, hey, so your saying if your keywords list exceeds 200 chars then some search engines will ingnore your site altogether? And BTY, where would I find this information?
sorry its taken me a while to get back to this must have just dropped off the bottom and i missed your post bentley.
what i'm saying is that most spiders will only read around 200 characters. after this they give up. some im told are so pick they give up on the site altogether but i dont know that for sure..
If you are interested in this topic and wanna read more try here
but dont panic just yet as meta tags arent the be all anyway...registration is far more important...especially if you are prepared topay for it...but that is another story....
Hey, thanks, I'd gone on to reasearch it anyway, registered all over the place, didnt' want to pay for the premium service though. Excite wanted $300+ to get registered in 2 days! Thanks for the links.
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